Accessory ID with pics- unknown petite items


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 25, 2007
Hi there! I recently got into petites and their playsets, and I'm stumped with some of these accessories. The questions:

1) What is the difference between the star bed and the heart bed? I've seen both kinds in different colors... did they just go to all/any playset randomly?

2) The big "fluffy" bed goes to the castle... I think. Why are there two different colors?

3) What do the 2 yellow beds, yellow couch, green cradle, and green table and chairs go to?


I believe the 2 yellow beds, yellow couch, green cradle, and green table and chairs belong to the Charmkins toy line.
Oh, I absolutely LOVE the petites! :ponylove: I had dozens of them as a kid (still don't know what happened to most of them *sigh*). They are just so adorably tiny!

According to this site, it seems that the colors of these accessories varied and each set had a random color selection.