Advice please? Dog refuses to eat and drink

Leave a Whisper

Proud Member of Ponyholics R We
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 25, 2014
He hasn't eaten or drank anything since we left home yesterday to visit my relatives. I gave him some but he refuses to touch it and knocks over his food bowl. We travelled to Florida with him and he didn't have this problem.

What do I do?
Well when Aki was like that I tried to give him baby food and rice or cooked plain chicken and rice. He could be sick and it just happened to occur during the trip. I would say offer the chicken and the rice and if he turns it away get him to the vet. If it is not stress since he has traveled before. He might be nauseated from something he has come in contact with. Hopefully it isn't anything serious. Maybe he ate opossum poo.:rolleyes: Quick question, has your dog been to this place before? Is there another dog or cat there that maybe he doesn't feel safe around??? Is the temperature different than where he is use to being. Dogs are so funky. @Leave a Whisper The knocking over the food bowl sounds like a verbal statement to me. Hmmmm what is that little guy saying to you? Sometimes animals don't like to travel. Aki screamed all night through a trip we went on and we have no idea why he had such a protest.
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He hasn't been to this place before, he knows my uncle's dog, but my dog, being fluffy Napoleon is the one who has to be kept away from other dogs. I tried hand feeding him and putting a few drops of water in his mouth. No dice. I left a small handful of food on his blanket to nibble on. I'm really worried that he's not drinking at all. The temperature is about the same.
Got him eating and drinking! I cheated and slipped a little sausage into his food and my uncle rough housed him which of course is thirsty work.

Thank you for your advice @tulagirl
I think he was just emotionally strung out from the trip. If he keeps this up take him in though. It sounds like a good romp and play may have really helped him work out whatever was on his mind. I say whatever gets them to eat its a go. Sausage is a great idea.
For sure. He's eating and drinking regularly now. :) I'm glad.
I am glad your dog is feeling better. I thankfully that I can remember had a problem with my dog eating. I think he ate too much. He was a bit on the overweight side. When he was alive.