$ Price Check $ Anchors Away and White "The Pony Project"

anchors away $60 or $70
white pony project $40
maybe a little more maybe a little less ;)
I personally think Anchors Away is in the $40-$50 area, but that's just my opinion. :hugegrin:
Speaking of Anchors Away... I just talked to a lady who might be selling her to me in a huge lot for a total of $50 :eeek:
I personally think Anchors Away is in the $40-$50 area, but that's just my opinion. :hugegrin:

I agree I think her price has dropped a little lately - wasn't she going for like $80 for awhile? I paid just over what Playful Heart has suggested for a completely minty one *also hugs Anchors Away* :D

EDIT Forgot to add OMG don't let that lot of ponies with Anchors Away out of your sight - that is one awesome deal!!!!!!!
is it the white pony project what was sold at Comic con? I'd say no more than $20.
:wow: I knooooow right! She was listing the ponies that she was selling and just was like and oh yeah we have Anchors Away and blah blah blah ... (seriously the rest I heard was blah blah) lol! I hope she didn't sell the lot to someone else I should be picking it up tomorrow!