$ Price Check $ and ID Help on some random accessories.. are these MLP? *pic heavy*


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 25, 2007
I have a bunch of accessories and little things, and I am unsure if they are MLP. They came in a big lot of MLP, so I don't want to throw anything out that's MLP, but I don't recognize any of it. Maybe you can help with one or a few items?

1) Is it MLP? If not, what is it?
2) What is it worth?

Thanks! (I will update with labels as these get IDed)


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1. Barbie
2. Lady Lovely Locks
3. Herself the Elf
5. Star Fairies
6. I think Barbie..
7. either MLP petites or Moondreamers. Hold them up to a light for a little while then take them somewhere dark.. if they glow, they're Moondreamers.
15. Barbie
20. Remco (came around the ponies necks)

Second pic
2&3. I forget what company, but they're not MLP. Sometimes fakie collectors like 'em though!
8. poochie
Second pic #9, the medal is from Barbie I think. Some Olympic or gymnast one. I remember having it because I used to chew on it >.>
#4 might be Barbie too. Not sure

First pic #4,6,8,15 are Barbie I think. I know 15 is. These all look so familiar.
Second pic #9, the medal is from Barbie I think. Some Olympic or gymnast one. I remember having it because I used to chew on it >.>
#4 might be Barbie too. Not sure

First pic #4,6,8,15 are Barbie I think. I know 15 is. These all look so familiar.

yeah i had the olympic barbie thingie aswell. she came with a medallion atleast
Let's see first pic #14 are Pretty Little Kitty Combs. ( I think, not sure)

Second pic #2 and #3 are Micro Beauties

#7 in the second picture.... It looks like the towel from the MLP waterfall.

#13 in the first picture, it looks like a she-ra comb but it is hard to tell from the picture.
second picture, #5 is barbie's gold metals from an olympic themed barbie