Anyone else Embarassed by their Collection


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jan 4, 2006
I have been collecting since i was a kid with TONS and TONS of ponies. I have them all over my house in bins and on shelves, everywhere!! When i go to buy a new pony my friends totally make fun of me. I'm very embarassed by my collection, does anyone else feel this way?

My boyfriend is embarrassed enough for me. :p Luckily my friends don't have a problem with my pretty plastic toys, although that doesn't keep them from teasing me about them now and then. It's all in good fun.

Just find something to tease your friends about and then you'll be even! :wink:
You shouldn't be embarrassed about your collection...its something YOU enjoy.

I also collect Boyds Bears...was I emabarrassed when I had the the Bear Bride & Groom on my cake? NO WAY! Same went for my invitations....Bears on them and were done very classy....If I enjoy it, who cares what others think...right now I have display shelves with MY set of Disney Pixar Cars on it, my kids have their own,,,& I do have some Ponies up there as son says to me last night: These are just toys Mom and I said : I know!...Everytime I look at my Dancing Butterflies, she makes me smile!

If you enjoy your collection, that should be good enough! :)
I was embarrassed when I first started collecting....but every one has a guilty pleasure out there....ours just happens to be small colorful plastic ponies.
I must be the odd person out; no one's ever heckled me about my collection. I take ponies with me all the time, out in public, to work, to school, shopping... Sometimes it's for paint color matching, but usually it's just because I know it's going to be a bad day, and I need some cute with me.

Most people who know think it's harmless fun or keep their comments to themselves. There are worse things I could be doing with $50 a month. 8)
For me it depends.. most of my friends know, and I wear pony shirts to work/school, w/no problem, but I don't go advertising to everyone that I collect, I am a little embarassed depending on the company.
I'm not embarassed by my collection at all. My friends affectionately refer to me as the 'pony guy' :p

My ponies have scared away a few dates, unfortunately... but for the most part, everyone thinks it's cool that I collect.

I was alittle embrassed when I first started collecting them again. When my boyfriend and I met I didn't dare tell him. But once we started living became obvious. Once I finally told him, he didn't even care about my collecting habits. I thought he would laugh at me or tease. But he doesn't. I was surprised. My whole family knows I collect them, but most of my friends don't know. I don't really go out of my way to tell people I collect them. But now a days I'm not embrassed really.
I was embarrassed when I first started collecting. I mean, I'm 28, and I have an entire bookcase full of young children's toys. But once my family and friends found out, I wasn't so embarrassed anymore. Now I'm quite proud of them.

I will admit that we are getting ready to show our house in order to sell it, and I'm thinking about packing them up. I don't want to turn buyers off with them since they have pretty much taken over the second bedroom. It does seem a bit cluttered. I don't know. Maybe they will help sell this house if the buyers have a young child...
Funny you should ask....Some of the people I work with tease me in a "not mean" way. Especially when I mentioned some curtains wouldn't go with my MLP bed sheets. :oops: It's OK though, the same person I said that to, is the same person who tells me whenever he sees something new online that's MLP. He's a big ol' nerd too though (just like me).lol I had another guy I work with run and tell me that we were throwing away some MLP signs that we hadn't used yet. They are now sitting in my bedroom. :D I didn't even know he knew I collected..........

Then there are my license plates.........
morning glory77 said:
Then there are my license plates.........
I've got a license plate frame on my car that's vintage MLP and no one ever mentions it. Of course, it's almost faded completely away in the desert sun, but still.

I'm not embarassed at all. My Mom asked once why I found toys so appealing (I also collect American Girl dolls and video game action figures). I told her for one, they bring back nice childhood memories. And for another, I'm a grownup and I can do what I want now and I just want to collect toys because they make me happy.

A few of my friends have seen fit to mock just a little bit, but since most of my friends are nerdy/geeky in some way or another, it doesn't bother me.
I wear a MLP purse everywhere, and I have lots of pony shirts, and I have ponies everywhere! What's to be embarassed about?

After I got some Target gift cards for Christmas, I ran over and bought the crystal castle and about 24 ponies, and I brought them all to the checkout. The little old lady gave me a slightly odd look, and I said "It's a pony party!!"

Embarassed? Me? Nope!!


Tif =:cool:
well i could always save you the embarrassment by taking your collection off your hands. :lol:
I'm almost 40 and i don't give a dam what people say, i love my ponies!
I don't tell people untill I have known them for a little while and even then I don't tell sometimes, to be honest most people who know find it weird but they know me and know that I am odd.
i am just because my collection is HUGE, its hidden in my closet for the most part and no one really goes in tehre anyways
I totally forgot about my MLP purse and MLP checks!!! I get lots of compliments on them. I would love to have a license plate frame with MLP on it. Then what my plates say would be totally obvious to everyone!!!! :D

There was this guy that I worked with that I thought was freakin' hot and he saw my checks and said "you have My Little Pony checks! That's the s***!!!" I couldn't stop smiling, partly because he was so cute( :oops: ) and partly because he didn't think anything of them!!!
eh i thought a few years back.. why be embarassed by somethign you collect? if you collect it, flaunt it and be proud of it!

last easter,, one of the super nice guys i work with came up to me and went " brittany! we got new ponies in..they have little bunny ears * makes 'bunny ears" on top of his head*"

:D hehe
My face goes red :oops: when I tell people about it but I still get out and tell them loud and proud. I think its more to do with sharing info about myself than the actual ponies though lol. No one has ever come to my house and seen the ponies and laughed... and if they did I'm sure I would tell them where to go ;)
I'm not embarassed!
Everyone in my family is great.
My boyfriend buys me ponies all the time.
And my best friend always looks out for ponies for me.
If someone is mean to me about my collection I simply tell them that whenever I want I can sell it and get more than 3000$.That makes them all shut up! ;)