Anyone else watch the meteor shower?!


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006
I only stayed out for an hour, got up at 3:00am, laid myself down in the back yard and waited. I saw 19 in that 1 hour! I wish I could've been out in the country, I'm in the city so there was pretty significant light pollution. I bet the show out in a rural area would've been amazing! It stayed nice and clear until about 4:15 then I got quite a bit cloud so I called it quits (and my body was starting to ache from laying on the ground). Still, it was totally worth the 3:00 am price tag ;)

Any other stargazers? What was your count?
Woah I completely forgot about that! It's also night in Australia now, but since we're ahead, I missed it... right? Did ya take some pics for us? Aw man it would've been gorgeous!
I watched it too! I'm not in a city, but I'm in a suburb pretty near one, so we have quite a bit of light pollution as well. It was really clear, though; I definitely saw more stars last night than usual, especially without moonlight as well. I went out twice, once at around 10:30 and again at 3:30. I think in total I saw between ten an fifteen. The first time I went out I saw a really spectacular one; it was very big and the streak kind of lingered in the sky. That was amazing. There were definitely more when I went out the second time, but they weren't as big or bright. I'm hoping to catch a few more tonight before I go to bed.
It was pretty cool. We stayed out till 10:00 saw a couple really bright ones, including a big red one.
I went out, stayed up for four hours, didn't see any and fell asleep lol
AH and I went out around 2 and being deep in the country, had a fabulous view. It wasn't as good as the Perseids have been in the past, but we easily saw over 100 in about 30 minutes. There were a few quite spectacular ones, and a few that were odd bright pulses of extreme light then nothing. Those were the most interesting of all and something we hadn't seen before. At first we thought they were satellites or planes, but quickly verified they weren't. Whatever they were, they were fantastic!
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My dad watched it (I think :D) I was sleeping since I needed to get up early... He loves everything to do with the stars. He got huuuge telescope etc. I must check if he got any good pics so I can show them here ;) for thoses who missed the show like I did :p