Anyone interested in a pony meet in Colorado Springs area?



I'd love to attend a pony meet, but they all seem so far away. Would there be enough people interested that we could try one here?
I would love to go to one. Most...98% of my ponies are in North Carolina, as I am in college out here, but I have always wanted to go to're right, they are just too far away. I didn't know anyone else on here was from c-springs.

I believe there are atleast 2 others besides us. Wolfie & ???. *throws a tantrum* I wanna pony meet! My girls would LOVE it.
The Springs Rocks!! :lol:

I'd like to get together but my summer is so packed it would have to for sure be planned ahead and over a weekend. If anything we could meet up somewhere for just a litle while.

I know that lipsy lives here but she's been busy with school.
Denver pony people: nightlight & lavenderlace
I know there are others.

Myabe we could plan on something @ Memorial Park on a weekend or something. 1st & 3rd Saturdays I'm off work now. This would be totally cool!