Are some baity ponies sadder than others?



Alright, so I got this Flutterbye with a lot off ebay awhile back. I knew she was in rough shape, but I was buying for different pony, so no biggy. But for some reason, I find it much harder to see this pony in such poor shape than any other I've come across. I can't really explain it, maybe just cause she's such a pretty pony normally, or the sweet pose she's in, I just don't know. It's been bugging me since she arrived! Her mane is still nice, tail is a bit frizzy, but ok, but man is she rusty!


Poor girl. So am I crazy or does anyone else ever have this happen?

Could be the pose thing!

I had a baity wave runner, with super frizzy hair, so i dehaired her, and took off her symbols, but didn't have anything to do with her so she just say there looking sad :(

I'd love to know what pinkchicken22 did with her :)
Whenever I get a baby (with exception to the BBEs lol) who is in bad shape. I feel so bad for them. lol I always try to clean them up as much as I can. I still only have one Baby Moondancer, who is in pretty bad shape, but she's so cute!! I can't bare to do anything else with her. :p
I've actually had some TP users buy some babies from me because they felt so bad for them! :lol: I had a baby Cuddles that had a crack in her leg. How does that happen!?
I think all baits look so poor! :( Poor little guys!
Baits only look sad when I can't find something to do with them, I think. So Softs look really sad when they're baity, flocking stained in those few places it's clinging to for dear life...