Attention FaceBook Users *EDIT: He's Baaaaaaaack!*

mmhhmm. well i just went through the whole MLP album of stuff and tagged everything that was mine as "stolen artwork" even though I know he has to "approve the tag", but it'll still show him thatr I'm not going to sit back and let him get away with it.

what got ,e though is going through all of the comments from people. thank you to everyone who agreed tat he was bad for doing this cause he is, but there was one person who said it was my fault for not watermarking my work?? that is not cool! watermarks ruin things half the time, but i am watermarking everything now because of this...*sighgrumbles*

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
i know, not everyone can watermark their work. they may not have the program to do that. i have too many things i would have to do that. i am not going to do them all. i dont know how to watermark my own work. the only thing i could do would be to add a bbd in the photo somewhere. how hard is it to ask the artist if you could show off their work by posting them in your album and give them credit?

i will try to remember to post this over at the arena and add this thread there for you. i thought you were a member there, cause i know to many people from both sites. im sure lots of those members would love your adopts.
well i just spent the last 8 hours gpoing through my customs pictures and putting my TM in the corners and "" across the middle of all the shots and replacing the old images on my dA. I know it won't help this any cause he already has the unmarked copies, but you know was a wasted 8 hours. and i didn't even get everything-i missed my eariler stuff. but at this point i'm giving up; i wasted the entire day doing this and you know what, you can still remove markings like that if you want to. so really, it was for nothing at this point...

i still hate marking up everything but i'm doing it from now on.

and yeah BBD i'm a TP only girl. i don't like to spread myself everywhere on the internet; i like to stay to one or two sites only. thus why i NEVER wanted me or any of my work on FB >>

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
This truly sucks on so many levels. I'm really sorry. It is horrible how rampant this kind of thing has been over the years. And you are absolutely right putting, certain, watermarks on images does nothing. Some are very easy to remove and even ones that aren't don't necessarily deter those who are determined to use the images or claim them as their own. Good luck. I do hope that the images are taken down and don't show up again.
I almost feel like they should just get rid of the my little pony page altogether on fb. It's drastic, and won't happen... but I dunno what else anyone can do to deter this idiot.
i am posting a thread about this over at the arena now and including this thread, so they understand more. i hope it helps enough to stop this guy. im sure a lot of ponies at the arena will not be as happy with him as you are.
I sent that idiot a pm telling him that I didn't think it was fair for him to claim artwork as his own. What was his response.....he sent me a friend request!!!!!!! Like I want to be friends with him. Though I did consider it to tag the art work as stolen. There is something not right in the head with that guy.
Okay, that explains a lot. He's been spamming the heck out of the Kimono's Townhouse fan page, and I just kinda humored him. Never had a clue what he was saying.

For those who follow the KT fan page, does his stuff show up on your wall when he posts to the fan page? If so, I will swing the ban hammer and start deleting his posts. I'm inclined to anyway. Art theft sucks, and artists should stick together.
ah man LLB = just reading this :-(

this whole saga sucks in a big way... and yet, I dunno if now that all this space and facebook's pony page stuff has been dedicated to him, he got what he wanted = recognition... I mean, don't get me wrong it's like total "bad kid" attention, and it's sad and sick in the head, but it's still attention.

Yes, Dava = ban/delete the posts = whatever can be done to effectively send the kid to a corner


this individual seems like a vampire type (taker = sucks the life outta ya) so do whatever to get the mental barricades up and then get away

sending you huge pony hugs Kat = remember gold tested by fire comes out refined

I agree to try to think of it (like you commented earlier) as a heck of a left handed compliment, know you smacked him as you should have so you CAN walk away...
I've deleted all his posts to the fan page wall, and I cleaned out all photos except five. One had comments, three were actually related to the comic, and one was a coloring book page that looked like it was attacked by a five-year-old. Hey, I needed something to laugh at. XD If he spams the wall again, he will be banninated.