Baby Lady Gaga


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 11, 2007
Can't read her PONY FACE!

I absolutely LOVE Lady Gaga. I put her albums on repeat while I am customizing. It keeps me in a good mood even if something keeps messing up on a custom.

I wasn't planning on making a baby of her but I had extra Apoxie left over and this is what became of it.

I plan on making an adult of her soon. I just need to decide on which outfit to do of hers.

OMG! Cute! I'm personally not a LG fan, but your sculpting is amazing, as always! So polished and balanced: a work of art!!
I LOVE HER! oh I absolutely love her! Is she for sale? You should do the Bubble outfit Lady Gaga wears for the Mamma pony :D

She's so awesome!!
Right-on! She is lookin' nice! idea!
Awww she looks cute, especially because of her hair!