Blind Bag Ponies have LANDED in the US! *Updated!*

My Twilight Sparkle was the purple glittery one.

In centimeters... Fluttershy is about 5cm high and 3.5cm wide. Rarity's pose is about 5cm wide and 4cm high. The bag they come in is about 16.5 high by 10cm wide. Hope that helps!
Ponies are about 4 cm nose to tail, 5 cm hoof to ear tip

Bags are 16.5 cm tall by 10 cm wide.

I measured German ones, but I'm certain they're the same, size-wise. :)
I love these things! They're a wonderful alternative budget wise to buy instead of the regular ponies. I gave a bunch of them to my friends as gifts, and had a friend of mine who paints and customizes figures, turn a bunch of them into G1characters. I'm glad they finally released them over here!
I'm wondering about where in Wal-Mart to look since Wal-Mart is a huge store and the two places I can think of where they might be (near the checkouts with the trading cards or in the toy aisle) are on opposite ends of the store.
I used to work at a walmart in the toy department (I actually enjoyed it quite a bit!) and all the places Jewel spoke of are where we would have put them. Since Valentines and Easter are coming up, you should also check the holiday section. We used to think stuff that small would make great Valentine toy, Easter egg stuffer or stocking stuffer. There are things called "side kicks" that were located on the side of the endcaps that were the best place to put toys that small. Look for sidekicks on the side of endcaps in the Toy department and the holiday section. Or up front by the registers, or by the trading cards like Jewel said.
Unfortunately there is not always a set location to put toys like that. You can look in the pony section but they will not necessarily be there. So we put them wherever we could find a place that we thought they would sell best. And just because you find wave 1 in a certain place doesn't necessarily mean you will find wave 2 in the same spot when they come out. So the best way to find them may be to ask a toy department associate. They may know where they were put. And if the day time associate doesn't know then a night time worker might know. Hope this helps!! :eek:k:

I am also SUPER EXCITED that they are in the US!! Can't wait til wave 3 comes out!! Can't wait to get my hands on those boy ponies! :allecto:
I just checked the Towson Walmart and two South Baltimore Walmarts, no blind bag ponies there. If anyone has luck in Maryland I would like to know. I also called around to other Walmarts with the UPC number but no luck either.
Found them in southeast TN :) Someone had opened a few and left them behind, but I guess I should be happy they didn't steal any. I got 18 plus the display box! Hoping to find the missing 6 at the other store across town soon. Especially want to find Applejack <crosses fingers>
I found the blind bags at my local Walmart today. They where in with the regular My Little Pony toys. I got all of them except the main six, who I already have. I'm in north eastern Ohio.
Congrats Skig and Mori!

Glad to hear you've found them!
I was wondering:
How close are they in size to the Tiny Tins ponies - I actually love them and have 4!

Also: When I'm checking in Walmart - they have other Blind Bags toys for like Lego stuff and Guy oriented toys - but so far still no MLP blind bags - so I can figure approx size - but still nothing in Green Bay!!
*I checked on east side - closer to where I live
but two days in a row checked at the supercenter closer in Depere and nothing there so far!
At the rate I am using gas - I am beginning to think I should just buy these from someone! LOL

LOL I wandered around Walmart last night and the only blind bags left are the first 5 of the Main 6. I suspect there are bronies in Tulsa! XD
They're in Wisconsin! I got a case at Wal-mart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: I counted and it wasn't a full case =( But a friend of mine in Texas found some for me and is mailing them to me here in WISCONSIN!!!!
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What a treat. Right after I find out they were stocking them, a snowstorm hits Washington. :p
Eventually the power went out, and so did the heating; my father went all over to find firewood and every place was sold out.
He was kind enough to get me four blindbags while checking the Walmart, though. So, my sister and I now have Pepperdance, Sweetie Blue, Minty, and Lily Blossom. ^-^
Still hoping to go there once the snow melts off the roads and snag the Mane 6... but now I want to get 'em all, haha.
Where in WI? I saw them on the planogram in La Crosse, but Dust and I are not having luck in the Green Bay/NE WI area.

Hey there! I got them in the Milwaukee area! I asked if they had any more but at the moment they were all out and didn't know when they'd get more in. =(

Also! I asked a friend of mine who lives in Texas to check his wal-mart to see if he could find them. HE DID! He picked up the 11 packs that were left for me and is mailing them to me in WISCONSIN! I love him so much! He says he'll try to keep an eye out for them down there for me!!!!
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