Brenda Leigh Johnson: The Closer


Singing Sea Pony
Apr 25, 2012
Commissioned request

Brenda Leigh Johnson as seen in the television series The Closer.


Pony base is an engineered pose with a full body repaint in flesh tone acrylics. Eyes painted in realism textures, in matte and metallic acrylics.

Mane and tail are dollyhair in the color of golden goddess, and restore doll katsilk hair in the color called Meghan.
Hair permanently hardened and styled in my hair gel method.

Outfit hand-sewn. Black skirt is a sheer black kerchief material, torso is a beige knit with aqua lace sewn at the bottom, neck and front leg materials are also kerchiefs. Necklace is sewn on, ears were pierced by my leather punching tool and earrings are gold-themed beads wired through the ears.
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Beautiful work!