Car boot MLP finds.... and Charity Shop non MLP finds


Sailor Neptune Pony
Sep 25, 2005
I nearly fell on the floor in the charity shop when I spotted these three items..... vintage Nintendo game and watch handheld games, for only 99p each!!! Zelda, Donkey Kong and Greenhouse. Such addictive little games... but I HAVE to Ebay them, they could reward me well. I'm grateful to just hold the Zelda one.... :D ah well.


I found a few good things at the afternoon car boot today.... a very nice Barnacle, for 50p, he is for trade, although I may keep him for the UK convention, if I go. Also found a plushie Starshine for 50p too. Unfortunately.... someone chopped her wings right off. :cry: but, with all that lovely rainbow hair, I'd say she'd be a nice custom plushie Angelberries.... I just need to dye her, make lovely big wings and a new symbol!! easy stuff. :lol: anyway.... the only other noteable thing is a Bratz pony complete for £1.

Roll on tomorrows car boots, I say!!!! *feels lucky*
Those games are SOOOOOOOOOOO neat!! I bet my husband would love to have those. :D Super cool!!
You people in the UK are so lucky to have carboots! Baby Stargaze, Senseriffic, Opalfairie and I went yard sailing all day on Sunday and we found just one pony (better than nothing, of course), the first yard sale pony find in a looong time. Congrats!