Ceramics Pieces


Snowy Tree Cricket
Sep 26, 2008
I just finished a semester of Ceramics, and I'm really thinking about taking it again because it was tons of fun! So out of boredom, I decided to post pictures of the pieces I made this semester ^_^

I'll try to post them in the order that I made them...


Pinch Pots
They kind of really suck. But the glazes are cool =D The two in the middle (the black and brown one) were fired in a regular kiln, the outside two were raku fired (YouTube it if you're curious)


Vessel - Coil Built
My first project. I got so frustrated with it because my seat was under the air vent and it made my clay dry really fast ;~; That's why the handle looks so wonky, I had to redo it like 4 times!


Bowls - Wheel Thrown
The one on the right was my first.
I had another one that was REALLY nice but I accidentally snapped the lip of it off before it was Bisque fired!!! ;~;


Pencil Holder (?) - Soft Slab Construction
Candle Votice/Box Thing (?) - Stiff Slab Construction
Glaze is messed up on the "pencil holder" (that's all I think of to use it for) and I kind of hate it. I made this the day it was due because I missed a couple classes and had no major working time =/
The box is supposed to have that triangle design on all four sides, but after much drama it's only on the front and the back. This piece got submitted into the student's art gallery on campus because my teacher thought it was my best work to date (even though I freaking hate it!)


Cups - Wheel Thrown
The left two have minor glazing issues, but I'm still happy with them. The handle on the left one is super delicate, I feel like I'm going to break the thing!


Epic Fail Cups - Wheel Thrown
Major glazing issues on these =/ The blue one is a mixture of my fault and the kilns (glaze was too thick and the kiln was being wonky). It's actually kind of cool, if you look directly onto the handle it looks like a nose and little feet so I'm resisting the urge to glue Googly Eyes onto it.
The tan one is the glaze's fault. Our class discovered that that particular glaz is very tempermental =/


Cup/Bowl Comb Things (?) - Wheel Thrown
Too big to be a cup but too small to be a bowl. I love these though! I was trying to recreate a store bought cup/bowl that I have (I use it for Mac n Cheese ^_^)
The green cup made me cry. It was AMAZING. Perfect thickness, just the right size, best handle I've ever done. And then when it was dry but unfired I slammed it into the edge of my cubby and the handle snapped off in 7 different pieces.
Still a nice bowl, but it mocks me with it's lack of a handle D<


Final Project Bowl - Wheel Thrown
I. Love. This. Bowl!
It's super light weight, and the glaze came out exactly the way I envisioned! I wish the art gallery had been later in the semester because this totally would have been submitted.
It was my final project and during the class critique I was the only one with a final project that everyone genuinely liked.

I want a potter's wheel now D:
I'm best at the wheel (even though we did have a love/hate relationship -points to scars on the sides of her hands-) and it was so much fun!
I think I would have liked stiff slab construction if I'd had more time, and I would have liked coil building if it had been later in the semester.
I HATE pinch pots and soft slab construction (awkward and messy, respectively).
Well most of the stuff we made was for food (the bowls and cups) and there were only so many "Food Safe" glazes.
A lot of the combinations were "well I like this color, but it's not food safe, so what can I put on the inside/top lip of this?" (that's what happened with the red and yellow bowl XD

I love that red color too, but it SMELLS so bad! Oh my god -gets out gas mask-
Oh, no it just smells when it's in liquid form.
Sorry, should have been more specific XD

Our "glazing table" at school is just covered with plastic buckets with different glazes in them, and you HAVE to stir them before you use them, and that red REEKS when you stir it. It's like... borderline sewage smell -gags-
But it's soooooo pretty! -points to final piece-
I honestly have no idea =/
Everything had clever little names, nothing that actually clued you in to it's ingredients -_- That one was Kaki Red.
Me too, but I so do not have the money for a kiln right now XD
They turned out excellent, especially the thrown forms. :) All done so very well.

I'm not really great at ceramics, but I did a couple things that I liked alot. I took those craft marbles/stone you can buy at walmart and put them in the bottom of the pot. When you fire them, the marbles melt and make this glassy form on the bottom. That I enjoyed a lot. ^^