CK:One - Shock Ponies


Alicorn Lady
Feb 20, 2011
I had quite honestly forgotten about these. XDD Ok, so story goes, a couple months back I got tapped to do a t-shirt airbrushing gig at Macy's for the debut of a new scent from Calvin Klein (it sounds a lot cooler than it actually was). I'm primarily an illustrator, not an airbrush artist, so I made myself a couple custom ponies based on the designs of the perfume bottles as mascots for my table. I only snapped one pic of them right after I finished, and the rum in my eggnog just kicked in, so I don't feel like digging them out right now to take better ones:


They were just dollar store fakies to start out, but both have been FBRed in artist acrylics and rehaired. They both have the CK:One logo on their non-display sides.
Right-on! Shock value! Those are pretty!
Thanks! =) For a couple of fakies done over a weekend, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.