

DemonDonkey! WOW... that is a FAIL. LOL

SillyBilly: Those fakies looks so real, the art on the boxes too. All but their silly names.
ahahaha some of those are really good XD

i am not sure on the werewolf facial hair fakie though XD
yeah I'm actually actively looking for G3 fakies... it's hard to find them!
LOL! That is really not the best name to put on a package for a toy.
You guys remember Gizmo from Gremlins? Maybe Demondonkey makes evil babies when she gets wet? o_O

I mean it.


I really do mean it.
My rough guess is that the "demon" part of the name came from the word "小鬼".
The individual characters mean "little" and "ghost", but the term is used to refer to troublesome kids. So it was probably a bad translation of a bad translation. XD

I wish I could figure it out better, but my Mandarin is too poor to think of other explanations lol.