Do you use the "Best Offer" feature on ebay?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jan 22, 2012
So, I'm considering whether I want to use this feature on my own auctions or not.

Do you use it?
Do you look for auctions that offer this?
When do you use it?
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price?
When do you use it instead of outright BIN?
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer?
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires?

I do use it. I always offer a little less than the highest I would pay....just to give me some wiggle room. Though I will admit that I almost never get anyone to agree to anything. Every once in a while though someone agrees to it and then I feel like a winner. :)

To make sure I hit all the questions:

Do you use it? I have
Do you look for auctions that offer this? Not always
When do you use it? When I find the price to be too high
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? I offer a little less than the highest I am willing to pay for some negoating room.
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? If I think I can get it for less than the B.I.N. Ya never know. lol
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? I don't expect to, but I kind of like to.
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? Absolutely. If they don't like the offer, just say no.
Do you use it? Yes
Do you look for auctions that offer this? Not really, but when a BIN price seems too high, I look for it
When do you use it? When I see a BIN that I want but with a price that is too high
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? A reasonably fair price, but a few bucks less than how much I'd be willing to pay, in case the seller comes back with a counter offer.
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? When the price seems too high
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? No
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? Yes.
Yes! If the option is there when i buy of course, especialy when i do buy more than one pony to the same seller. When we buy many, it's a good thig the seller can fix a better price for is customers! If i have good price i buy more!!
I would love this feature, if sellers would actually haggle properly. They just about never do. I got really used to haggling when I lived in Kenya and at the flea market near us. The booths are run almost entirely by Hispanic immigrants. English is not their first language and not only do they haggle very well, they expect you to. It's a lovely place to go if you want to practice your Spanish. It drives me nuts when Ebay sellers have a best offer option with no intention of haggling. What's the point then? I just don't get it. My answers are in bold below.

Do you use it? - Yes, for auctions that are priced too high.
Do you look for auctions that offer this? - Not specifically, but I do like the feature.
When do you use it? - When the auctions are priced too high or I have reason to believe I can get the item for a lower price, like if another auction for the same thing but in better condition is going on at the same time.
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? - It depends on the item and how fair I believe the starting price was. I will lowball, but I'm hoping the seller will haggle and I'm not necessarily expecting to get that price. Of course they like NEVER haggle. This really annoys me, in case you can't tell.
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? - If the BIN price is too high. By too high I mean more than the items current value.
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? - I would be fine with that, I would even appreciate it, but they pretty much never do. It's an art that seems to be lost on most Ebay sellers.
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? - Sort of, I just with people would freakin' HAGGLE!!!

I actually had someone block me once after I made a lowball offer, that wasn't totally unreasonable, fully expecting not to actually get it for that price. I wanted them to counteroffer. Look at me, I'm so grouchy!

- FarDreamer :heart:
The My Little Pony Preservation Project
Do you use it? - I have a few times, but not frequently (I also don't use BIN frequently)
Do you look for auctions that offer this? No.
When do you use it? If I think the offered price is within a reasonable range of what I want to offer, I do not try to low-ball.
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? I offer what I think is a fair market price for that particular item, it could be in the medium-high range of the price, or low end if it's something I think is way overpriced.
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? Any time it's available - why not try?
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? No, I expect 1 response, and then usually end it. If I ever do try to make a counter-offer back, then I don't know if I expect them to answer it.
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? I don't think about it much, I just figure they didn't want my price... no need to explain, it's their item.
Do you use it? yes, I love best offer!
Do you look for auctions that offer this? not really, but it's great when it comes along!
When do you use it? whenever it's there, and I don't need the item by a relatively soon date. Even a few dollars off is a saving.
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? I usually offer the low range of what I feel is fair, I expect to haggle. I low-balled once, and got the item almost immediately... I felt kinda bad!
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? whenever it's there, and I have the time frame to be able to haggle over a couple of days.
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? If they genuinely want to sell, they shouldn't mind haggling!
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? yes. I went to the effort of reading their description, researching and agonising over a fair price. The least they could do is reply!

My lowball experience: I got a whole bunch of petites for $10 including shipping... eek!
I have used the best offer feature whenever it is available but I try to offer prices that are reasonable and so far all of my offers have been accepted
Yes, I like the option, especially when something I want is just sitting there for a long while on ebay it's always nice to see a seller add that.

Do you use it? I have
Do you look for auctions that offer this? Only overpriced BIN's
When do you use it? When I find the price to be too high
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? I offer what I would be happy to get if I were in the sellers shoes
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? When the BIN price is too high
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? Never thought about that. I wouldn't mind if they haggle a little. I've always had my offers outright accepted.
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? Yeah, I guess I would, especially if I have funds in limbo waiting on an answer. If they had another price in mind (that's not the BIN) I would like to know.
Do you use it? When it's available
Do you look for auctions that offer this? Yes
When do you use it? If I feel the BIN is a little bit steep I will put in an offer instead.
Do you offer the highest price you will pay, a reasonable/fair price, or do you offer below the lowest ending price? I offer a reasonable price.
When do you use it instead of outright BIN? If I feel the BIN is unrealistic, say over $10 more than what I'd like to pay.
Do you expect sellers to haggle with you 3-5 times when you place an offer? No, if they don't take my offer I normally walk away.
If you place an offer, do you find it rude if the seller ignores your offer until it expires? Maybe a little, if you have listings you should be available for communication.

I must add that some sellers seem to misunderstand the best Offer Function, I feel there is no point in using it whatsoever, if all you'll take off the price is something like $2.
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I love when there is a BO option! I always use it when it is an item I want!