DONE :-) yay (pic heavy)


Big Bulky Brother Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Mar 22, 2010
OK, calling this one done... chickened out on re-doing the hair but I have actual rehairs in the works, so don't worry, I am putting colorscapeart's kit to good use (until I finally get around to getting a pop-girl tool, I think I'm gonna have to admit to potentially liking that once I get my plug process/rhythm down)

but at any rate = pics first :) Ms. Paisley






So Lucky started this girl for me, I dunno - last year sometime I think (?) so the hair, underlying wing idea (that I cut, painted etc.) and eyes (that I painted some more then sealed etc.) are hers = so credits there :)

My daughter wanted a rainbow fairy pony, so with all the peacock swap posts, Ms. Paisley was born (so you kinda know how long this has been...)

I gained an enormous amount of respect for those of you that wield a brush and/or pen and get that symbol s-m-o-o-t-h and factory-like...

She's mostly paint pens and some sharpie and some craft store acrylics (learning what worked as I layered etc.) and then sealed in matte mod podge and then given a coat of clear/white glitter glue (not saying you should do as I did, just here's what I did to try to get the wing glittery effect to cascade down that symbol)

Her wings I believe are like a pressed foil type that I added paint and then alot more glitter glue to really stiffen into that shape and seal the layers in. I then placed a glass bead at the base and applied more glitter glue to hide any wiring.

I used ceramcoat gloss varnish for the eyes, and boy do I still need to figure out how to layer to get that depth effect going... but still, it's a start :)

So overall I'm happy my daughter likes her rainbow and just glad that I didn't smear alot of paint into that WHITE body as I worked...

thanks for reading :) hope everyone's end of the year time is joyful :)

pony hugs to all !!
Wow she is soo gorgeous and vibrant !
I love the name Paisly for her to :)
She is just perfect, great job !!
Awww! Colour fancy! Rock-on! She's divine, so wicked, excellence..
*gasp* She's gawjus!!!! just lovely!