eBay Suspicious Auction

Luckily eBay has a Buyer Protection Program. I'm sure it's not ideal to have to use it (I've never had to so I don't know what all is involved) but hopefully it means that bidders won't be completely taken advantage of. However, it's still terribly frustrating.

To the above post, I'm sure even scammers will do some good sales just to keep from being discovered too quickly. Hopefully there are some good sales being done now, but if the seller really is selling the same items in two different lots under two different names there's no way that a buyer somewhere is not going to be cheated.

Boy I was really hoping I was wrong about the seller and that everything was good. What a bad time to be right about something!

Star Warrior
Brooke again? I thought that troll had gone back into her cave for good. What a shame...she's SERIOUSLY BAD NEWS. Watch out, people...and kudos to all of you for being aware and on the ball with this one!
according to a few people who bought from her, she has come through and actually mailed the ponies, but that doesn't mean buyers shouldn't beware. She could just be trying to build up feedback so she can start scamming again. Be careful :)