Ever had surprises in your own collection?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Oct 31, 2005
Anyone else had this experience?

Since I'm away from home for most of the year at school, I don't have a lot of time to actually be near my collection. When I have such time away, sometimes I forget that I have certain ponies and am convinced that I have others. I was looking through my collection last night and found two ponies that I didn't know I had (a G3 and a G1) but to my dismay found that I did not have two G3s that I could have sworn I had.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a matter of my not keeping an updated-enough collection list? I thought it was rather strange.
I'm just crazy I guess, nyo--given a few minutes, I could probably name every pony I own. The only ones I can't keep track of are my "extra ponies," because they're kept in a box that I don't often look in. I did, however, think I owned December Delight...but I don't. I think it was just that I was considering purchasing her. n_n;; Have her now, though. :3
I was trying to win a Sidewalk Surfer MOC for about two years on ebay. Kept getting outid, and never won one. Then when I was moving out of my apartment there was the Outfit MOC behind my Dresser/Tv. No idea how it got there, and I can't remember getting it in the mail.

I know I bought it on ebay (I leave postives saying thank for the the item)....but forgot I owned it. I can't beleive I forgot buying one of my grails.

Sky Rccket
i keep a spreadsheet with every pony released, and mark them off as i get them. helps me keep organized. ^__^
I don't usually get confused like that. I just look at a pony and instantly I know whether I have it or not. Meh, maybe I'm just too 'obsessed', lol. ;)
i do that all the time! i have hundreds of g1s, so it's easy to do (and i'm so disorganized!). plus, once i traded out of my collection and still can't get it out of my head. i was SURE i had lil tot until i checked (and turned my room upside down!).

anyway, i feel your pain. maybe one day we'll have them all and not have to wonder. ;)
Only a few times. In the summer, I like to keep my ponies put away because the sun here is so strong, I'm afraid that it will diminish the pink in some of my pony's hair [i.e. Posey, Lickity Split, Rosedust, etc.].

So, sometimes that happens to me. :) And I will forget that I decided to not sell a certain pony when I was sure I had sold her.
When I was twelve, we moved house, so all my ponies went into a box. My mom insisted I keep them instead of selling them at the yard sale (thank you Mom) so I did.

Before I got hardcore back into them, I started picking them up at yardsales and flea markets and such, and somewhere in the course of it I must have found a Hollywood. I know I didn't have her as a kid but I cannot for the life of me remember when or where I got her, lol. I rack my brain even now and still can't remember.
I was scaired Id do just that, so I set up a check list. I try my best to keep it updated, but on occation Ill loose track if I just got a large lot or something. with me its condition, ponies I thought I needed to upgrade are mint and ones I thought were mint are nasty.

~ Diana
diet otaku said:
i keep a spreadsheet with every pony released, and mark them off as i get them. helps me keep organized. ^__^
I do this too. Once in awhile I forget to do it, though. For the longest time I had Tex staring at me from the shelf and couldn't remember buying him, since I hadn't written it down at the time.
I normally know what ponies I have, and what ponies I don't have. I think it's because I have four shelves above my bed with my whole collection on, so I have plenty of chances to sit and look at them :p .

I have had a surprise, but not one like that. I have an absolute enormous box of baits (absolutely love 'em!!) sitting in my room, and whenever I get any, I seal 'em up and pop them in. I was going through it a couple of weeks ago, and pulled out a baity-ish Daddy Bright Bouquet. The first thing I noticed that his eyes weren't 'right'...I took him out his bag, and low and behold, he was a No Country! And I didn't have a clue when I slung him there. Needless to say, he's now sitting on my collection shelf :lol:
I had a fab surprise! When I first started collecting properly I had about 60 ponies (G1s)and when I discovered Dream Valley I was up till 2am IDing them all lol :p Anyway, I got to the bit that says to check the collector pose ponies for flat feet and '82. So off I went to look. I had 2 blossoms and it turned out one was a flat foot! I was so happy :) Mum found her for 50c at an OP Shop and she has the most beautiful hair, I really love her :D
It's happenned to me too. I sort of got awat for awhile at a time where I had acquired most all of the ponies I wanted except for the ones I couodn't afford. (This was before g3's). So when I got back into them, there were a couple of ponies that I was sure I had! Like Baby Licorice. I swear I remember getting her because I thought she wasn't as cute in person as I thought she'd be. So when I was reorganizing my babies, I looked all over for her to put her with Baby Candy (who I relly do have). But no trace of her. I probably just bid on her a couple of times then lost interest of something. :?

I guess where I was getting confused about the two G3s is due to how my collection is set up. Except for the front row, all of the other ponies are all bunched up together on one shelf. When I look down on them I can see colors, hats and manes and usually I can tell exactly which pony is which from just a glance like that. I figure I probably saw Mistletoe and thought Candy Cane, even though I had on my collection list that I had both. With thinking I had Ribbon Wishes I'm not quite sure who I was thinking of unless I was getting her confused with Royal Ribbon who I knew I had...With the two I didn't think I had it was a bit more interesting. I didn't think to look for Minty II because I don't collect different poses of the same character. I had sold off a MIB Pinkie Pie II and Rainbow Dash II last summer because I already had the first poses of them but I must not have sold the second Minty because lo and behold, there she was right behind Applejack! With the other one I just couldn't really see her at all from the top view. It wasn't until I was moving Flowerburst and Lovebeam around a bit to make more space that I saw the hint of a pony face and a flower earring staring at me. I had SHS Fancy Flower back there the whole time and forgot!

Ah, well. My fiance was grilling me with pony questions on Friday: "Do you have Waterfire? Do you have Ribbon Wishes? Do you have a yellow pony with a sailboat on it? Do you have Hidden Treasure?" (and yes, he knew all those names except for Surf Star and at first calling WF "Lakefire"...he's smart!!!) and I had told him at the time that I thought I might have Ribbon Wishes but didn't have any of the others. So luckily I had the chance to call him back yesterday and tell him of my mistake. :)

I love hearing about everyone else's experiences!
I have an A4 side-bound notebook with a list of the ponies I have - well, it was more than 1 list, but nevermind - and since we moved, I can't find it to tick ponies off it. I haven't really been actively buying loads for a while, but even then, when I do buy I sometimes acquire doubles. I'm worst for this with the G3s. There are so many of the little beggars it can be hard to keep track, especially since all mine are boxed.
When I startet collecting mlp, I won a lot wich included a pony stable and 9 ponies. I thought all ponies would be the regular variants. But when I looked at the hooves years later I noticed that they are Italy variants. Nothing special, just Applejack, Skyflier and Poesy. But at the time when I noticed that they were my first international ponies.

Yes, one day I realized that I had two spanish big brothers! :D They are from my childhood and I had never thought about cheching their stamps, so I just supposed they were common BBs..
I have a small collection so i never have ones i didnt know i had but sometimes i want a pony so bad i'm convinced i have her. :D
Well, sometimes I might have a dream (that feels so real) about how I have this certain pony, and later I think back and wonder: "Do I have her? Or was it just a dream so long ago?"