G1 FF Butterscotch... Why You Gotta Do Me This Way

CJ Thimble Bright

Peeking around the corner at you
MLPTP Supporter
Apr 9, 2010
Every FF Collector Pose Butterscotch I have ever come across has this slightly sticky, sorta gummy feeling/texture to her body.

I wash her, she feels great!

She dries, she gets sticky.

I know her plastic is leaking and breaking down. Something about her color maybe? I have two of them in my collection now and they are both this way. I don't think any of the other G1s I've encountered have this issue the way she does.

I dunno.

Makes me sad because she is such a uniquely colored and pretty pony.

But girl! I know you're 40+ years old these days... But PLEASE could you exfoliate occasionally?!


Anyone run across this issue with a G1 besides her?
Every FF Collector Pose Butterscotch I have ever come across has this slightly sticky, sorta gummy feeling/texture to her body.

I wash her, she feels great!

She dries, she gets sticky.

I know her plastic is leaking and breaking down. Something about her color maybe? I have two of them in my collection now and they are both this way. I don't think any of the other G1s I've encountered have this issue the way she does.

I dunno.

Makes me sad because she is such a uniquely colored and pretty pony.

But girl! I know you're 40+ years old these days... But PLEASE could you exfoliate occasionally?!

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Anyone run across this issue with a G1 besides her?
I have a Gingerbread and a Skyrocket who are both seeping da plasticizer ooze. They live alone together and are living in sticky happiness. *meh*

Although it’s we’ll time for me to pull them down to see if they’re finished and they can be cleaned and spa’d once again.
I have a Gingerbread and a Skyrocket who are both seeping da plasticizer ooze. They live alone together and are living in sticky happiness. *meh*

Although it’s we’ll time for me to pull them down to see if they’re finished and they can be cleaned and spa’d once again.
Well, now I have to go find my Gingerbread and Skyrocket!
I haven't really noticed that on mine but I know that feeling, I've seen it in other toys.

*runs off to touch ponies, this might take a while!!!
I have a toy dog that came with a Lisa Frank doll that I got as a kid and she was always like that, I had no idea what plasticizer leaking was back then lol but my mom tried to throw her out cause she was sticky and then she’d collect dust. I didn’t let her though, just sat her in the window and only touched her to try washing. Anyway her color is very similar to your butterscotch so I’d say it’s definitely something about that color! It took almost 10 years and many baths before she finally stopped, now she’s just really hard but I can put her with my other toys :D
If it makes you feel better I have a FF Butterscotch that I got, 15? 20 years ago (I'm so old, lol) and she was allllways sticky too. But I recently dug her out of storage and she seems over it! I gave her a scrub with Dawn and she just dried off and wasn't sticky anymore. So hopefully yours is almost finished leaching too?
If it makes you feel better I have a FF Butterscotch that I got, 15? 20 years ago (I'm so old, lol) and she was allllways sticky too. But I recently dug her out of storage and she seems over it! I gave her a scrub with Dawn and she just dried off and wasn't sticky anymore. So hopefully yours is almost finished leaching too?
This gives me hope that ONE DAY my Butterscotches might stop leaking. Thank you. Lol
I have to confess: as I've been digging more deeply into my collection, I discovered that I do in fact have a FF Butterscotch who is NOT sticky! So, guess these other gals will just have to sit around until they are done leaking before I sell them onto another collector...
You can put her in a Ziploc bag with silica gel packs to help absorb the sticky, but sometimes it's best to just let it go and periodically wash them until the leaking stops. They usually are rock hard by that time since the plasticizer is what makes them squishy and cuddly.
You can put her in a Ziploc bag with silica gel packs to help absorb the sticky, but sometimes it's best to just let it go and periodically wash them until the leaking stops. They usually are rock hard by that time since the plasticizer is what makes them squishy and cuddly.
Yea my original childhood Bowtie in the 90s even was rock hard! Wild. She was in such bad conditions, this was maybe 1995 when I got her out of the mud at that flea market. She had lost all of her plasticizer already even then. Presumably from being in the sun and rain for lord knows how long. :cry: However! Shes still beautiful, regardless. :ponylove: Im sure your ponies will be okay! Especially in good condition otherwise! My poor Bowtie has smooze and its SO hard to scrape out since shes so hard. Ive left most of it because its too hard.
I have that issues with ALL the playset pals; Twinkles, Brandy, Catnip... they all are sticky but when I washed one it smeared all the paint off :( so I settled for a soapy soak and a rinse, then air dry. They're still sticky, I just display them openly with nothing touching them sitting on little squares of wax paper :confused:
I have that issues with ALL the playset pals; Twinkles, Brandy, Catnip... they all are sticky but when I washed one it smeared all the paint off :( so I settled for a soapy soak and a rinse, then air dry. They're still sticky, I just display them openly with nothing touching them sitting on little squares of wax paper :confused:
Oh man! I would be so upset if I smeared off the symbols...

I seem to remember the Brandy I had (have?) Was sticky too. I had forgotten that.