FiM Season one DVD preorder...!

It's about time! I actually don't think I'll be ordering it, though... nice to know it's being released. :hugegrin:
Just in time for the holidays, huh? :p I'll consider it but I don't think I'm gonna preorder it. Exciting it's finally coming out in the States, though!
It's on Netflix currently too. :)
Yay! I stuck it on my wishlist so I wouldn't lose the link.
I have season 1 already... I'm a bad girl and bought it while in Afghanistan. Oh well I needed my ponies! It has that ugly G2 art that they used for the G1 seasons release.
Wow, they certainly took their sweet time getting a box set together. I wonder what special features if any it will have.
I think the final disc in the AU set comes out on the 5th of dec, And Madman ships so you receive on the release date. Trust you guys to get it just before us, LOL! Our one exclusive and they stole it away! But we have 5 discs, might be our coding system though making it bigger.

But super glad you guys are getting season one, in order in a box set... at last! The quality of the aussie set is great.. tried it out on our 42 inch plasma, and the massive theatre projection screen downstairs, and both had no distortion and looked great. Get excited everypony, if it's anything like our release, it'll be awesome!
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This is great news. I know what I will be getting when I get paid next week!
Ordermafied. :) Now I can sell my semi complete season one box set from Madman. This all in one US release costs the same as just one of the 5 DVDs necessary to complete the Australian box set I had started building, and it has extra features. That's awesome value! And it is performing amazingly on Amazon too.

Oh and Mori LeStrange, as a pre-order, you don't pay till it ships in December. ;)
I pre-ordered mine. Amazon won't charge you until it ships. Yay! Don't have the money... but I will when it's December! 8)
So pre-ordering!! I've been waiting since Lauren announced she was working on a MLP show for the first season to come out. (ok, so not really, but I didn't want to pirate ALL the episodes, this is one show I want to have my money. Also I don't have netflix or want to download from itunes XP) still pre-ordering. showing some FIM love.