G1 Starshine


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 13, 2010
Oh my goodness... I am still in a rush of excitement! Like G1 Tickle, I have also been looking for a mint-condition G1 Starshine. You know: still white with little to no marks, sily hair and tail, symbols with glitter. Ah, how she has eluded me for years! I was so heartbroken after having to toss out my old original childhood Starshine and have been searching for a new one since. Not anymore! Many thanks to eBay seller *peri*winkle* for my beauty!

Here she is!

Big congrats so cute :seahorse:
bigmlpfan xx
She screams gorgeous! Woo woo! Divine candy..love it all..awww..
PERFECT!!!! Congrats!!!!! =)
Aw, Starshine was my first pony. Still have mine, but one of her symbol's all but rubbed off. Your new gal is so pretty!
She's absolutely beeeyoootiful!