*~* G3 Sunbeam *~*


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 11, 2009
I always thought Sunbeam had super pretty colors but I don't love her pose, it's kind of bloated-looking.
I think she looks fab as a G3!!
She was a Whistle Wishes, rehaired w/ DH Virgin Snow and.. erm.. yellow.
Her symbol is metallic gold paint sealed with sparkle Modge Podge.
I gave her metallic blue eyes instead of the original light blue; I think they pop better and go with her symbol.



I think she looks even better as a G3!
Love it!
Beatiful, she looks great like that! I love your g1 to g3 customs! :heart:

:hysterical: yeah the G1 version does look bloated :hysterical:
Hehe awe! she does look much less bloated :) very nice job:)
Excellent! What a beauty, rock-on! Lovely and gorgeous!
She looks better as a G3! Very pretty! I like her metalic eyes better, too. Awesome job!
she is awesome!
Firstly, you had me rolling on the bloated description of G1 Sunbeam! LOL!

But you are right, I always thought it was such an awkward pose, not cute, not elegant, not anything, just awkward and I always thought it was such a shame, because Sunbeam is one of my absolute favorites.

I have a few Italian Sunbeams, and your renditions just so reminds me of this one I have, who's got a beautiful, shimmery gold sun symbol and near perfect (for an Italian) blue eyes.

You did another amazing job on this one, and the pose just suits her perfectly!
I can't stop staring at her! She's so lovely with all the metallic shimmer.

Fantastic job!