G5 G5 Chatter

The new brushable set with Haven and Jazz makes me wonder if they’re moving away from the molded mane articulated ponies to static brushable ones. Kinda hope not, the hair quality on the (little) brushables so far is Not Good.
I'd much rather they keep the big ones brushable. The quality on those is nicer.
Hello everyone! I just got my hands on the new set with Queen Haven and Jazz Hooves! I was wondering, does anyone know what hair fiber or material they used for Misty's hair? Is it a super dry nylon? Or something more yarn like? I tried washing her hair with cold water and conditioner. I feel like it actually made her hair look worse, when the same method worked great for the big Bridlewoodstock Misty! I'm super happy to have a Misty of this size and style. I just need to figure out a way to make her hair super curly instead of wavy, so she looks like herself again. :happyhearts: I'm worried that if I use heat, though, it could damager her hair. Has anyone else gotten a hold of this item yet, and what do you think about Misty's hair?
Hello everyone! I just got my hands on the new set with Queen Haven and Jazz Hooves! I was wondering, does anyone know what hair fiber or material they used for Misty's hair? Is it a super dry nylon? Or something more yarn like? I tried washing her hair with cold water and conditioner. I feel like it actually made her hair look worse, when the same method worked great for the big Bridlewoodstock Misty! I'm super happy to have a Misty of this size and style. I just need to figure out a way to make her hair super curly instead of wavy, so she looks like herself again. :happyhearts: I'm worried that if I use heat, though, it could damager her hair. Has anyone else gotten a hold of this item yet, and what do you think about Misty's hair?
I know Skybreeze got some. And Lady Moondancer once made a post about how to tell the difference between nylon and polypropylene.
Aw, that's actually really cute!
Sorry. I'm really not impressed with them, considering how cheap they look, compared to some of their other world's smallest.
I did not realise there was new episodes of Make Your Mark! What a lovely surprise

I just saw the first two episodes. So Misty’s mane is dyed/sprayed then? Not some kind of magical change?

In some way the breezies still feel a bit G3 to me somehow even though they look more G4. I’m waiting to see Misty’s cutie mark added to the opening titles and maybe more Misty in the opening too. Also, was the art Misty looked at AI generated?
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I did not realise there was new episodes of Make Your Mark! What a lovely surprise

I just saw the first two episodes. So Misty’s mane is dyed/sprayed then? Not some kind of magical change?

In some way the breezies still feel a bit G3 to me somehow even though they look more G4. I’m waiting to see Misty’s cutie mark added to the opening titles and maybe more Misty in the opening too. Also, was the art Misty looked at AI generated?
Now if only the toys would reflect that.
Okay I just finished Make Your Mark. I’m enjoying this more than Tell Your Tale. A nice story is building now and I need to see more!
I like the name drops and references

Is that The Rainbow of Light?!
Okay I just finished Make Your Mark. I’m enjoying this more than Tell Your Tale. A nice story is building now and I need to see more!
I like the name drops and references
About the spoiler, I thought the same thing. I'm really curious how the next chapter will turn out since it's the last one and I feel like they've set so many things up.

When the breezie gave Sunny that object, I thought what the breezie said about Sunny was very kind. A hopeful pony!! :redheart:

I've got some more thoughts but I don't want to spoil for anyone who hasn't seen the chapter yet. I think a lot of people, in all of my online circles, did not know a new chapter released. It certainly wasn't as big of a deal as the Bridlewoodstock release!
Of all the fairy ponies to bring back, why breezies? With the elaborate wings, the Summer/Windy Wings would have made tons of sense.
I have only been singing the sound track for a year now lol. At least I know ALL the new song words as I watch them. :rofl:
All the pony stuff at my local store has gone on clearance, not that we've seen anything new there this year, guess we're not going to be seeing any new merch here from now on.