Game: True or False?

Kinda True and False. We do bake Pan De Muerto and all the stuff, but we forget to build the altars lol

The next person likes to do their ponies mane
True. I am a braiding fool.

The next person has a home library.
True. Mostly pony books, along with Divergent, Insurgent and Hunger Games.

The next person hates the design of the Sweetheart Sisters
True, especially macaroni and ramen.

The next person likes fruit cake.
False I prefer not to eat that.

The next person would rather read a paper/hardback book then a on a tablet or PC
True. There's just something about holding the actual book in my hands that is more appealing than reading my Kindle.

The next person has at least 2 siblings.
True, a relaxing bath is great.

The next person likes walking up hills
True, it's fun. It's going downhill that gets dangerous! :D

The next person is planning a huge holiday meal.
False. We dont plan, we leave it up to our cousins (Who bake great turkey BTW)

The next person is sick
False I'm healthy.

The next person has left over Halloween candy
True. And about to be eaten

The next person has seen a monster truck
I have seen one in a parking lot but never in show. I don't think I would care much for a monster truck rally. I really hate loud noises!

The next person has a large collection of G2s.
False. I have exactly 0 G2s.

The next person loves horror movies.
Kind of middle. I hate them but love some XD

The next person likes to lick their elbows :p
False I'm not that flexible. :p

The next person wants a Cheese Sandwich figure.
False. I like the character (especially together with Pinkie Pie) but not so much that I'd go out of my way to find a figurine.

The next person has broken a bone at some point in their life.
True, actually. I broke a toe when I was ~11 years old. I never got it fixed, but I can somehow walk just fine. : P
The toenail isn't pretty though. /tmi

The next person has wanted to eat something that they're allergic to.
False, I don't have any food allergies.

The next person can quote at least one movie in its entirety.