George the Pygmy Goat,a memorial custom


Singing Sea Pony
Jun 8, 2005

Yesterday it was the 1 year anniversary of my beloved Pygmy Goat,George,passing away. He died of old age in his sleep at 13 years of age. He was one of my very best friends and so I tried my best to make a custom of him. I'm still not very good at smoothing the sculpey out to the point where it's invisible but I did my best and I'm happy with how he turned out! :) Meet little George!;

How he started out;


And him finished!






And some of real George..



Lovely custom sorry for your loss. I have twin sister Pygmy goats they are really special little things.
Right-on! He looks good! Awww..nice idea!
Goats are incredibly affectionate and loyal animals. I am terribly sorry for your loss and what a great way to honour your friend.
What a sweet, adorable memorial. You did great!

Also: (((((hugs!))))) I'm sorry for your loss.
Thankyou so much everyone! :) And it's great to see a bunch of you know the awesomeness of goats too! ;)
I'm late, but wanted to compliment you on your work. It looks beautiful. I have pygmies as well, and funny enough, years ago my first billy was also named Goerge, after my favourite Beatle! I still have some of George's families mebers running about, including his grandson Ringo.

I do so love my goats! I'm so sorry for your loss. I miss ol' George and his wife Tildy, even though I still have their children and their children's children.
i have a billy goat that looks exactly like george named Ned, and he is 15 years old, sorry for your loss
Thankyou for all your kind words everyone! And I didn't know so many of us have goats! That's awesome!
Too cool! I'm sorry you lost your goat but that custom is spot on , I bet he's honored to have such a sweet loving custom in his honor and the memories in your heart! <3