Good pony day!

  • Thread starter red_velvet_rose
  • Start date


It's been a bad week. I got fired from a job I just started (don't ask why... I have the sneaking suspicion that I was fired because I knew what I was doing and didn't blindly accept what they told me). My girlfriend's depression is getting worse. Same stuff, different day.

Well, my umemployment checks finally started to come in, so I paid my part of the rent and did the grocery thing. Lo and behold, I have $50 left over. $10 I used to go see Pirates of the Caribbean. The other $40 I earmarked for ponies to cheer myself up.

So I went to Quake. Last few times I've been there, he didn't have much. This time, I was glad I stopped in. I've gotten some good deals from him since he knows nothing about ponies. So I nab some manky ponies that look fixable. I bought seven vintage ponies from him for the price of $18.00, less than $3.00 per pony. In that lot, I got... MO Birthflower for January, newborn twins Doodle and Noodles, all three colors of MO baby Ember, and a baby Cotton Candy with pink hair.

After that I went to TRU and *finally* found both Breezie trains!

I also finally cleaned up some "baits" that weren't baity at all, namely TE Gingerbread and TE Sweet Stuff. They had frizzy hair and few marks, but otherwise were great!






I'm selling the twins, the pink and purple baby Embers, and my older baby Cotton Candy. :)

Nice little lot! The twins are darling and I *heart* the breezie trains! :D
Oooo look at the pretty ponies! They look so nm in that pic! *pets breezie trains* I'm dying to find those :D