has ayone seen these?? Dollar General had them..cute for fakies


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 16, 2005
I saw these and I thought if I had the time for a custom, this would be the little guy to use!! They were only like $4...forgot to mention they are big in size.. I bet about oh..8 inches tall??


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Are those the ones that are almost styling pony sized? I almost picked one up a year ago but never got around to it... They kind of remind me of the Babyzillas XD
Oh I saw those at the store but didn't want one lol I chose a little yellow fakie instead :p
yeah my local one still has pink and blue ones i think...might stil have a purple one...i have a white, blue, pink, and possibly a green one flosting around here somewhere. i got them for customs and just never got around to doing them. they're great for customs though. save for the rerooted tail but even that is easy.

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
I bought one of those a couple years ago, then couldn't figure out what to do with it, so I sold it to dragon-shadow on the Arena and he made a gorgeous custom out of it! Here's a pic I have of that pony standing by a Styling Rarity:
I always have thought those were cute but haven't gotten one yet. They have a green one that I really like.
I bought a green one of those awhile ago for a custom, and just got around to starting it. :p They have a few different colors, but the store's about an hour's drive from me, so unless I need something else along that way, I won't be able get more. I should have just bought 'em out the last time I was there.
The last time I was at Dollar General, I saw those. They had a white one and a mint green one. I really wanted the mint green one with the pink hair because I wanted to turn her into a Minty custom, but I didn't have enough cash on me that day. I might go back soon to see if they still have one.
These are currently in store? Or they were in store a while ago and can't be purchased new anymore? Does anyone understand what I'm asking? :scratch:
Mine still has them too.
The last time I was at Dollar General, I saw those. They had a white one and a mint green one. I really wanted the mint green one with the pink hair because I wanted to turn her into a Minty custom, but I didn't have enough cash on me that day. I might go back soon to see if they still have one.

I found the mint green one at a Kid's Sale, she was super cute!