Have a heart attack?


Proud Owner of Cat Pee Pony
Dec 24, 2010
If you are a woman and have had a heart attack can you pm me? I would like to talk with someone about it. Thanks so much in advance. I have my pms set to send me an email so, I even if I am not online much I will still get my message and respond!!
Are you okay?!
Sorry I don't mean to freak you guys out. I am trying to find someone who has had one to see if the symptoms are similar. I had an issue today and it was pretty bad, but it has calmed down now. R2 has my car since the other car is wrecked, but the only thing I am dealing with right now is really low blood pressure. Heart rate is good though. R2 can get me to the doctor now. He says I am really pale. Hmmmm I do have a heart valve problem, but it could have been something else. I am not scared in the least. Strong I am. We shall see what is up.
Let us know as soon as you can, tula! We love you!
:O You almost gave me heart attack with this post :O ;) I hope it is nothing serious!
What I know about heart attack is taht the pain may feel like tightness, or heavyweight. The pain is often severe and may continue long time. Pain intensity does not change depending on how you breathe or exchange the positions. The pain may radiate to the neck, shoulders, upper arms, the abdomen, jaw or back. The pain is not always hard. Sometimes it may be a minor pain. Cold sweat, pallor and shortness of breath is also common. That is what I know from heart attack but I haven't luckily experienced it.
Yea see that is what happened to me. It was sudden. I was fine one minute and then blast a pain started in my arm like a squeezing horror. It traveled up my arm into my neck. I broke out into a sweat that was the dripping kind of sickly sweat and then I started tossing my cookies. I didn't have any chest pain or pressure though. I can't remember if I was out of breath because I was so sick to my tum that just overwhelmed me. That and the pain in my arm. I am going to see the heart doctor. It has not come back so I am guessing maybe it was my gall bladder rather than a heart attack. I wasn't really scared, but I had to get in bed and take some medication for the nausea. I just tried to stay as still as I could and I felt better after a while. So, we are not sure what is going on. This one car business is making it really hard for us. We are super stressed. An EKG will tell me if it was a heart attack even this late into the ball game. I really think it must have been my gall bladder. I had been sick for three days with fever and tum issues. I have had no appetite really and feel still pretty yuck all around. Fever is gone though and blood pressure is better. R2 has his car wreck doctor appointment. So, I think maybe this evening I can go to the clinic for an ekg.
Take things easy tulagirl. :S
I started having blood pressure issues and started taking Nyquil and Dayquil when sick.

Well long hours went by after the Nyquil was supposed to wear off but it never wore off and I felt that "buzz" and half my face, neck and chest went numb, I was thin winded and dizzy. I think my heart raced up too and was pounding. But I think it lasted over 24 hours and went away the following morning

Never went to the doctor so don't know what it was....
Oh boy I hope your going to be ok Tulagirl. I would definitely go to the doctor ASAP. :/ I wish you good positive thoughts.
Oh my God I hope you are ok! I am not a doctor, but I have heard that when women have a heart attack it isn't always the same symptoms as it is in men. We are used to hearing about certain symptoms but those primarily affect men. For example sometimes a woman can have strange pain in her stomach and a lot of nausea... symptoms that you wouldn't normally associate with heart attacks. I took a few intensive CPR courses and I was speaking with the EMT who was training us, she basically said that a lot of women don't realize that they are having a heart attack when it happens and that they go lie down and that's when it can get serious... basically the EMT said that for a woman, having a heart attack, it's going to be a sensation you have never experienced before and if you feel really strange and it's not something you are used to, go to the doctor. I hope you are alright!
I didn't have all those symptoms @LightningSilver-Mana . I don't remember being short of breath at all. I can't remember dizzy, but I was not able to sit up. I had to get in bed and be super still for a while.
As soon as I get my car back for good I can get in. I thought we were going to be able to handle it at the clinic but they no longer take my insurance carrier. So, I have to wait for my PCP to have room for me.