have you noticed.. in the G1 episodes..


Singing Sea Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 7, 2005
Someone posted one a while ago about Baby Lofty turning into an alicorn. Well this one's close to the same.. except, instead of just being in one episode, it's the beginning credits of nearly EVERY episode.


The screen shot labled "My Little Pony TV Series" is the intro I'm speaking of. If that image looks familiar, you've probably seen this before and just never noticed.

If it doesn't, I'll go through the whole thing for you. Sundance and Baby Sundance jump over the water and baby rolls. I believe she knocks Spike into the water, who lands on a sea pony, goes over a waterfall where he then falls off the sea pony and onto Rosedust's tail. There is a shot somewhere in there of bushwoolies playing in daisies, then it goes to Megan flying around on a pegasus pony. Look close.. the pony is yellow with green hair. I'm about 98% sure it's Magic Star, but couldn't pause it well enough for a screen shot..

If you have the "season 1" DVD it's the intro to all about two of the cartoons on there. Also on most of the video tapes. (Basically, all the ones without the "MLP & Friends" song).
ahh yes!!

my favourite bit is in the movie, well there's two parts. Shady and Bushwoolie go off to look for baby LS.
well back at paradise estate shady is talking to Megan :?


whent hey are trying to get past Ahg to get into flutter valley, Magic star and windwhistler turn into Sweet Stuff and Gingerbread! this is funny because sweetstuff is smoozed with gusty back at PE and i don'tt hink gingerbread makes an appearance in that movie after the opening sequence.

Yes it is magic star flying and she does start out as rosedust. there are two adult sized sundance's.

Something else weird like that happend in sweet stuff and the treasur ehunt, can't remember what though...

oh another thing i like is when ponies randomly change voices. like for instance we know mss Nancy plays gusty, well when sweetstuff starts talking with gusty's voice i find that hilarious..

also when Gusty shady and magic star are looking for baby LS

for no reason gusty puts her horn to the ground and says " my horn itches"

that is jsut the best line int he movie cos it has NOTHING to do with it. HILARIOUS!
I think Rosedust flies under a low tree branch, sending Spike spinning around it, then doubles back to pick him up again before he falls, then "Magic Star" with wings or whoever it is runs up from the back of the pack and picks up . . . er, the Moochick or Megan or whomever?

What really gets me is the Bushwoolies with "cardigan sweater" arms. What is up with that? :lol:


I think that there are mistakes in all of the episodes. I used to have a list but I haven't been able to find it. There is always a group of ponies in one scene then when it goes back to them there are different ponies there. I dont understand was this an accident or just to make little kids be observent, I mean didnt they proof the episodes.

My favorite besides the voices switching in the quest of the princess ponies is in the magic horeshoes when there is a scene with 4 or 5 earth ponies all shown in a circle with wings.
Hey, does anyone know of any mistakes from the first movie, Firefly's Adventure? Would you believe I still have that, somewhere in my house, recorded from when it was ON TV, and it still plays for the most part? (I swear, there's a GI Joe thing on there too... o.o And Last Unicorn, which is also on tape somewhere and barely plays anymore... I played it way too much. XD)

I'm gonna go search for it this week and play it on the only working VCR in the house. I'll let you all know if there's any quirks in it. :D

o.o dude I just noticed that those DVDs they released has the Escape From Catrina special... *races to Netflix*
LOL, someone find me the 5-legged Baby Ribbon picture!! I think that the animators got so tired or mixed up with how many ponies there were that there were bound to be mistakes. The fun part is rewinding it to make sure you SAW what you SAW! LOL!
5-legged Ribbon?! lol! awesome!

and a list of all the mistakes? that's the coolest thing ever.. and you must have had a lot of time on your hands, lol.
must find this 5 legged baby ribbon!!!
Archer06 said:
Yes its definately magic star ^_^ Rosedust has spike and magic star (with wings) has megan i think.

The quest of the princess ponies is one of the best for mistakes lol ^_^ While Tiffany is off looking for paradise estate, shes suddenly back with the others in Lavan's caves and Primrose is missing. At the beginning, Primroses tail keeps changing from blue to red. Also at the beginning, i think when Lavan is first trying to use the wands, theres a shot of Serena and Sparkle looking up at the sky and neither of them have symbols. I'm pretty sure that Windwhistler and Locket voices frequently change (and with those two, thats a BIG change lol) Oh and at the end when everyones having a picnic, theres a shot where you can see everyone and Locket and Windwistler are the size of baby ponies by the princess ponies ^_^

Of course i think my favourite mistake is a line of Tiffany's. While deciding what to do about getting their wands back, Tiffany says something like, "Well if Lilac could get her hooves out of the ground..." I mean who the heck is Lilac?!?!?

Yeah i love quest of the princess ponies and as a kid i used to love spotting these things lol :D

HAHA I remember when her tail kept changing!
Mavi said:
whent hey are trying to get past Ahg to get into flutter valley, Magic star and windwhistler turn into Sweet Stuff and Gingerbread! this is funny because sweetstuff is smoozed with gusty back at PE and i don'tt hink gingerbread makes an appearance in that movie after the opening sequence.

I remember that! When I was watching the movie I noticed that and I was like...'wait a minute...those 2 arn't going to flutter valley...?' lol
I'll just say watching the my little ponies episodes back to back to find all their mistakes would be one heavy drinking game.

I highly doubt anyone could get past the first five without being completely toasted.
Hi there,

that is jsut the best line int he movie cos it has NOTHING to do with it. HILARIOUS!

I think that Gusty's horn itches because she senses something is wrong... because Shady says something right after that.

Gusty's horn itches, and then Shady says: "That must mean something's wrong!"

So, no - I don't think Gusty's horn itching is misplaced, I think it fits perfectly with what's happening in the scene. :D

-- Yuixe
Hi there,

Nauticah said:
Hey, does anyone know of any mistakes from the first movie, Firefly's Adventure? Would you believe I still have that, somewhere in my house, recorded from when it was ON TV, and it still plays for the most part? (I swear, there's a GI Joe thing on there too... o.o And Last Unicorn, which is also on tape somewhere and barely plays anymore... I played it way too much. XD)

I'm gonna go search for it this week and play it on the only working VCR in the house. I'll let you all know if there's any quirks in it. :D

o.o dude I just noticed that those DVDs they released has the Escape From Catrina special... *races to Netflix*

There is ONE mistake on Firefly's Adventure that I know of... when Firefly is doing the "Double Inside Out Loop" Medley tells her it's too dangerous. Firefly doesn't believe her, and then ends up crashing into Applejack and scattering apples all over the ground. Then it shows a shot of all the other ponies laughing at Firefly, but instead of Medley laughing it turns into Firefly - but Firefly is still buried in squashed apples. :lol:

-- Yuixe
LOl, ponies always keep changing who they are in that tv show, just like the care bears. In this one episode there are every color bear but they all had just a heart on them lol.
I think that Gusty's horn itches because she senses something is wrong... because Shady says something right after that.

Gusty's horn itches, and then Shady says: "That must mean something's wrong!"

So, no - I don't think Gusty's horn itching is misplaced, I think it fits perfectly with what's happening in the scene.

-- Yuixe

That isn't quite what happens. "My horn itches!" "why aren't they here? something must be wrong!" really the two have nothing to do with each other.. I think her horn itches because of the smooze.