Hello and hi!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 16, 2023
Hello and hi!
You can call me TooTired. I’m 23, and use they/them pronouns. I’ve collected dolls for a couple of years now, and other assorted toys, mainly plush and vintage (including Moon Dreamers!)
I love thrifting and making art, and am also a fan of Star Trek (DS9 especially) and Pratchett. I work full-time retail sales and live in Texas.
I was active in the MLP:FiM fandom back in the day, but my interest waned as the show went on, and I was never particularly a toy collector in those days. Recently, though, I’ve rediscovered just how adorable pony toys are—the older generations especially!
My collection is fairly small so far, but I’m confident it will grow (even if it makes my bank account shrink )
Here’s what I have so far:
The fakies:

The white ones:

The pink ladies (by far the most glamorous group):

The other G3’s:

And, last but not least, a Giant Pone and my only G1 (yet), the beautiful Galaxy!:

I also have some G2’s and a small bait lot of G1’s on the way! And I’m 21 episodes into the 80s show

I don’t know a ton about the different ponies and types yet, but I’m eagerly looking forward to learning! Thanks for having me here
I love your user name, lol! I feel it in my soul XD Big Pratchett fan, here, too!
Welcome to the herd :) I totally relate to your username too LOL one day I'll grow up and go to bed early and get up early and be a responsible adult like that :unsure: , maybe eat some vegetables, drink more water and stop spending my money on 40 year old kids toys... :lolpony: but then life would be so BORING!!!!!

Welcome in, I hope you enjoy your stay!