Hello - new to the forum :)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 29, 2015

Thought I would post a quick introduction as I have just joined the forum. :)

My parent's visited this last weekend and brought with them my My Little Pony collection from home, so I now have approximately 300 ponies in 6 giant boxes in my loft. I spent Sunday going through them and reminiscing about the ones I had as a child and my old favourites (Gypsy, Applejack, Lightning) and sorting through them. Although it's a little bit sad, I can't justify keeping so many so I have decided I will keep the really old ones (they are all G1) and the ones from MLP the movie, plus any of my favourites (Baby Lollipop, TAF Baby Milky way!) and display them in one of the big IKEA glass cabinets.

The rest I am going to slowly work my way through, clean up, and sell. So I have joined this forum in the hope that I will be able to find some of them a great new home! I will post some lists in the appropriate selling forum as soon as their hair has dried and I've had a chance to take some pictures.

Until then, what would your ideal G1 pony find be? I'm interested to find out what are people's most sought after or "dream" ponies. :)


Hello and welcome! That's so exciting going through your childhood collection! Definitely hanging on to a few is a good idea. I'm so sad I donated my childhood collection when I was a teenager and am glad that I kept a few too.

Hmm, I guess for me my dream pony find would be Baby Gametime. I would pay good money for her too, but I am so broke right now that I'll have to wait.

There are many other rare ones that are worth a lot too. If you are new to pricing them, I would definitely ask around the forum for price checks so that you get what they are worth. Good luck selling!
Welcome :) So many ponies you got. Are their all from your childhood :O?
Sad to hear you need to give up some of them but I know what it feels like when space is limited. If you need any help on pricing etc. I'm sure we are all ready to help :)
Hullo and welcome to the forum! My ideal G1 find? Hmm, that's a toughie, because i love every darn G1 (or any other gen) I can get my paws on. I think though right now, Gypsy is my most desired pony. One fine day she will be mine!
Hello welcome
yep I'm now going through my collection and trying to be loyal to only the ponies from childhood, lol not doing very well!

Hope you have better luck!
Howdy! 300 ponies eh, you was one lucky kid! I had an Avon box full myself! Its good to look back isn't it? Wonderful memories spring into your mind, certain ponies were the main heros of childhood epics! Don't feel sad, feel happy cause you can relive that same joy (If only for a moment!) once again! But I am also interested in what you have! Make sure to post pics of the ones you are gonna hang onto! Enjoy your time here!