Holiday / Secret Santa Teaser thread!!

Everyone's teasers are looking so good!! I can't wait for people to start recieving their packages :D
Everyone's teasers are looking so good!! I can't wait for people to start recieving their packages :D
are we allowed to send them early?
im new at this so im not sure how it works for that..
i would LOVE to send mine early
at lest half of the torture could be ended sooner
are we allowed to send them early?
im new at this so im not sure how it works for that..
i would LOVE to send mine early
at lest half of the torture could be ended sooner

Yep, I believe SS said it was okay to ship early :) The deadline is in like 10 days anyway, so its not like you'd be too early.
Here is another tease!:prv:

The package all ready to go!!!


It's the first time for me as well!
I've seen many people who wrap their packages like that on swaps..
I figured that since I wrap the package in that brown paper why not in a festive one since it's Christmas...
I wrapped mine in Christmas paper and then a whole ton of packing tape all around....I figured it was less likely to rip off then..
I'm a bit late to the party but better late than never. Here is my pic of swappy goodness(evil cat not included!)

I have my teaser, still one more pony to add and the card, but here it is:

Ooooh .Shiny wrapping paper! can't.....stop.............staring........Me wants!
These teasers are torture! No pic of mine yet - I think it'd give too much away - we'll see!
I feel guilty! Everyone has so many things for their swap box, I could only afford to do one "big" thing and a few little things like candy and such...

I didn't know we were supposed to have so many packages! :(

Hence, I apologize in advance to my partner...
Okay then, I just need to pick up a few more things and do the wrapping and I'll be sending it off in the next few days.
I feel guilty! Everyone has so many things for their swap box, I could only afford to do one "big" thing and a few little things like candy and such...

I didn't know we were supposed to have so many packages! :(

Hence, I apologize in advance to my partner...

i feel the same way, i will fill it up with candy now, so i hope it will be ok :/
Don't worry! That's why SS put a cap on the price. That way you can get one nice big item or lots of little ones. Either one would be very nice to receive. Besides, aren't you all forgetting about the *thoughtfulness* behind gifts. :tongue:
Yes and don't forget that many people tend to also wrap the candy so it looks like there are many packages. ;)
Yes dont fret girls its the thoughtfulness behind the packages ^_^ I packaged mine a little more than I should have to make it look like theres more but both have the same amount; I just like to open gifts so I tend to go overboard:oops:
I certainly wrapped my candy.....:p I think my partner will have an easier time getting to the candy rather than the rest of it.
I actually prefer less stuff from swaps... but I am bad about going overboard....
Yes, I wrapped my candy too. I may have overspent a little, but it's mainly due to the extra pony coming in the mail. I couldn't resist that one :hearts: