Holy, do these really cost this much.. ?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 6, 2009
Check out this ebay auction... seriously?? Would you pay that?

Search for: Columbian babies
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I'm probably going to get baits galour thrown at me, but I don't like the columbian ponies. They look really messy to me. So I wouldn't pay that much no.
the Colombians usually go for at least that much.

and HeavyHooves I agree... I think they look like baits themselves, they're quite ugly.
If only I had my own country... I could make really poorly made ponies and they'd still be priceless because they were ultra super rare Bethstonian ponies.
not a huge fan of em either BUT i gotta say i woudl LOOOOOVE that blue applejack!!!
maybe in a few years when teh prices drop since all the columbian people will be hunting for them once word gets out about their value. ive heard a similar thing happend with other nirvanas, argies especially :)
If only I had my own country... I could make really poorly made ponies and they'd still be priceless because they were ultra super rare Bethstonian ponies.

HAHA!! I agree. Ill join you! lol... you'd make a lot of money!
not a huge fan of em either BUT i gotta say i woudl LOOOOOVE that blue applejack!!!
maybe in a few years when teh prices drop since all the columbian people will be hunting for them once word gets out about their value. ive heard a similar thing happend with other nirvanas, argies especially :)

Especially once people find out how much money they could make finding them and selling to collectors :D

Personally I prefer golden applejack :) I think she's about the mintiest I've seen too
I'd love to own a Columbian pony, but not if it's a bait.

If you're looking at the same auction I'm thinking of, that seller seems really cool - I've bought from her a few times, no problems, really sweet girl. :)
I think theyre..... CuteUgly hahah you know?? :)
Eeek. I wouldn't pay that, no, especially as these babies are kinda yuck.
So far I think all the Colombian ponies I've seen look quite dogeared, though I think Applejack looks good in blue! And non-unicorn Gusty is pretty sweet.
Still I prefer to spend my money on mint/n.mint common ponies than tatty rare ones. :D