How do I find yellow seaside baby?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 26, 2005
Does this G3 baby have a name yet? Do we know if she is coming to the US like Hula Lula and Sandy Island? I can't find her on ebay, even in the European mommy/baby pack.
Um, she is on German eBay, together with the other two. If you want her vintage.

I heaven't heard that she would have a name, yet.
If you look on, she's made an appearance in the BI with bonus ponies set (according to the picture). No name yet, but it will probably be listed on the box.
Alternatively you can look on the sale boards if you dont want to buy the playset or are wanting to know the answer but located outside the USA.

I got mine through another collector.
I do have her on my want list, but no offers yet! Oh no! I don't want to buy another BI! I'd rather buy one of the euro ones...but that is still kinda expensive :x
Oh well, thanks!

Oh drats already bought the BI playset, well hopefully if it comes on sale around christmas I will buy it again, if it is anything like the other playsets it will be out forever.

silverfall said:
If you look on, she's made an appearance in the BI with bonus ponies set (according to the picture). No name yet, but it will probably be listed on the box.
GRR! how come they bothered to upload a pic of the bonus ponies but not wild blue?! i wanna know if bumbleberry is a mix-up or not!
I might be going to austria in a few weeks, i can check for you but you'd be number 5 on the wait list, and there's no guarnetees cos last time i went they had two in the whole city and i checked 4 stores..

Pm me for details if you like. but please feel free to try your luck else where in the meanwhile as i said it's not for certain they will be there.
silverfall said:
If you look on, she's made an appearance in the BI with bonus ponies set (according to the picture). No name yet, but it will probably be listed on the box.

Awesome! I hope she really does come with the BI playset and that the picture isnt misleading. I finally found the other 2 baby ponies at Target this past weekend so now I need the yellow one to complete my set!
I would also say post an add here about that you want her...
I'm sure there are SOME people on this board located in Germany that could help you out :)

I live close, but in this case, so far away =P I would love them as well.
I wonder why the "European POnies" never make it too Sweden? Aren't we a part of Europe in Hasbros eyes or what?
Desert rose -

I've only found the Euro ponies in austria, and then they came from germany origionaly.

I've not seen them in slovenia eithr, whcih sucks cos i have to drive for an hour and go to another country to get them.
No its not ocean dreamer :)

Its basically an extra pony to hula lula and sandy island, only available in germany at the moment, and has no name :)

Martha xxx
Desert_Rose said:
I wonder why the "European POnies" never make it too Sweden? Aren't we a part of Europe in Hasbros eyes or what?

From what has been said before, this is mainland Europe promotion, limited to certain countries. Like the seasons were in a twin pack. So unfortunately Sweden (and the UK) are not liable to get them.
She means the yellow baby in this pic from Amazon:

<img src=>
So will this show up in Walmart in a few weeks or should I order it online now? Also, can anyone figure out how much it is to ship on Amazon's site?