I Can't Believe This is Happening to Me


Everypony needs Jesus.
Dec 17, 2010
I thought the pony craziness would last forever. Suddenly I find myself not so "in to" ponies anymore. I'm not as interested as I used to be. I not going to sell my collection or anything, but it feels weird not being so pony-freaky anymore. It's kind of sad. :cry2:
It is something that comes and goes, I think. I have that feeling every now and then.
I thought the pony craziness would last forever. Suddenly I find myself not so "in to" ponies anymore. I'm not as interested as I used to be. I not going to sell my collection or anything, but it feels weird not being so pony-freaky anymore. It's kind of sad. :cry2:

I totally know how you're feeling at the moment.
It happened to me a few times in the past - but my love and interest for ponies always come back after a bit time. So no worries at all - I'm sure your pony craziness will be back soon. *Hugs*
I'm like that with everything I'm into. :tongue: I have a lot of interests besides ponies, so it keeps shifting around. There's nothing wrong with not being into ponies for a while, you don't have to be sad about it! Just take a break and wait till the pony crazies come back - I'm sure it'll be even more fun then!
It's okay, that's normal. I'm only really into ponies for a couple of periods each year, at least since the initial year-or-two buzz wore off when I first started collecting. I also cycle through my three major fandoms, neglecting fan activity in two while I flail at one of them. Then after a few months I cycle back around. It's completely normal. Take a break from ponies for a while, just admire your collection without worrying about collecting or participating on the forums, etc. Like what's igniting your passion right now. You love ponies, you'll come back to them!
It happens to all of us once in a while, we get busy with life and then some days we o back to it. I also collect anime figures and go from getting those to ponies and back again.
Definitely normal and nothing at all wrong with it, I've experienced this with everything I take a deep interest in. It can be a let down when it happens. I've come to accept it as part of a cycle I go through and enjoy it while I can. :D

Anyway, it's perfectly natural and your interest in ponies may come back, but then again it may not. If it doesn't don't worry, something else will come along for you. :smilepony:
For me, after I got over the initial rush of collecting and buying new ponies, I really slowed down and started enjoying the ponies I already have and being part of the community. If I find a good deal on a pony I'll certainly take it, and I still browse at Kmart and other places. Even though I have a wish list, I'm hesitant to complete it, because for me the anticipation of getting a pony is better than actually having it. So you could say I'm a causal collector, and quite honestly it's just as much fun. Just slow down and enjoy the ride, and when you're ready to get back into ponies big time again, think of all the money you'll have!
But seriously, you'll probably always love ponies, maybe just in a different way at times. And you're collecting is what you make of it, so always do what's most fun for you at any given time. Don't feel the need to be completely obsessive just because you always have. Relax and see how it goes. :)
I know how you feel. I bought and traded for years. But life got in the way of it with a lack of money and high shipping costs. I still love my ponies, and smiles when I do happen to pick one up, or somebody gives me one, but it's not the same strength as before. I don't squeal when I open a bag to find one. I'm not scouring ebay and the trade boards anymore. Though I am trying to find a way to display my collection in my room along with all my other stuff. It just isn't the same. But that's okay, it's simmered down from a fiery passion to a comfortable friendship that I can depend on.
I've been feeling the same way lately as well - I stopped visiting the forums several years ago due to lack of interest in MLP and other things in life getting in the way. My past self would have been horrified to know that future me is planning on selling off a large portion of my collection!

But ponies and the pony community will always have a special place in my heart even if "real life" gets in the way sometimes. Like others have said, I think its normal for interests to come and go. Doesn't mean they are gone forever, things just change sometimes :)