I have just fallen on the floor in amazment!!!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 6, 2005
OMG i have just registered with the arena and am just awaiting activation, so i cant post anything on there for the minute, so maybe someone who is has accounts both here and there could post a reply for me...

I have just seen one of my customs posted up on the boards with someone wanting to know who the pony is...

I am desparate to say thats its mine and that it is Baby Sandy Island - the only reason she is causing confusion is that i stuck her head back on in what i thought was a cuter pose LOL

I am sooooo excited that people are actually looking at and discussing one of my customs!! sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

can anybody help me?
lol! POse swaps always cause confusion ^_^ I've done some interesting ones with NBBE ponies ;)