I Heart my Husband!!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 25, 2005
Money hasnt been so great lately, but my husband has still been buying me ponies. He's a big gamer and a total zombie freak, so he's been looking forward to Dead Rising coming out today. We saved some money for it and had a big pony discussion on the way to ToysRUs. I waited in the car while he ran in, and behold he walks out to the car to my door, knocks on my window, and he's stading there holding. . .

I'm in shock!! I didnt even open the door, I just sat there and stared. I told him that was his game money and he shouldnt have done that! He said he knew I was using the "it didnt come with a special pony" as an excuse because it was so expensive. How does he know this stuff? How did he know I fainted when I saw it, but put it out of my head when I saw the price tag? I heart my husband. *grins really stupidly*
AWWWWWWW. I don't even want the playset that much but I'd just about melt if a guy did that for me. Do you lease him out, by any chance?
Very sweet! But just wondering.... how much are they?
I wish my husband would buy me just ONE pony on his own...without me knowing about it...a SURPRISE!! :roll: You are SO lucky! Talk about a shocker!! LOL!
ABrownCrayon said:
AWWWWWWW. I don't even want the playset that much but I'd just about melt if a guy did that for me. Do you lease him out, by any chance?
Hmm. . how about 3 ponies a day? :D

As for how much, $60 :wow:
I'm with playfulheart on this one. My hubby won't buy me anything pony on his own at all. You are lucky wisp!
Wow! That's amazing! Sooo sweet! So he didn't end up getting his game at all??? O.O
No game! But we're going to the city this weekend, and I hope he has a good job to do this week, so he can still afford to buy it.

You're a lucky gal! I saw that playset in the store and thought how wonderful a display you could make with it! YAY!

Awww, what a lucky man~~! Wisp, that's freakin' awesome, what a sweetie! By the way, I love your aveator, it's super cute!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!
Thanks! And I havent been playing with it! :angel: :tongue2:
Thanks autumn! Thats my Princess Pooky!