I want to congratulate anyone who may have won the auction -


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 21, 2008
I hope I can post this - if not - please delete then.
It took a long time to find this auction, looked like some Flat Feet first years may have been won - hopefully whoever won it - will post and brag - Here's the completed auction number -290576462745 -
I have to say "Oh RATS!" :tinyanimals3:
that I missed this auction - I was out at school printing up my syllabus for one of my classes that begins on Monday -
So again, if any of my pony friends won this one- a BIG Congrats - very envious!
Ooohhhh so very Luckey :)

I did not win it but


This person is such a lucky winner :surprise:

Congradulations !

ABCWinter (Laurie :)
I'm ogling the ponywear right now.

I'm a little confused though... I now Flat Foot ponies are more rare, but I thought it was a minor difference. Does it really affect the value all that much?
I guess I don't really know, I think there are alot of collectors looking for them, so I figured that it mattered, perhaps not. But it would have been a nice lot to me!
There was also a Birthflower pony, those can sometimes go for a little more. Either way, great price.