Interesting Accessory ID- Pink duck pull toy, poofy princess hat & more


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 25, 2007
I found a large lot of ponies, with tons of accessories. Some were barbie, some MLP, and the rest (pictured) I couldn't figure out what they were.

The squatty bottle I *think* is MLP, I have gotten others over the years in lots but never knew what they went to,
Anyone know anything about these? Sorry for the horrible picture!

I know for sure that the pink duck and the pink thingy are baby accessories (Diaper and pull toy) and the cape (Pink with faux fur) and hat are Pony wear.
Pretty sure the towel with the pink heart (on the left in pic) is from the G1 Nursery playset.
Thanks for the replies so far- I have confirmed the towel with a heart is indeed a nursery accessory- thanks DialgaBritesMom!
As for the duck pull toy; I've never seen a pink one before, so which baby accessory is it? Same with the pink "diaper". It doesn't have any velcro or anything.
I thought the purple cape looked like pony wear too, but I looked through all the pictures of pony wear I could find and didn't match it to anything.

Any more info?
Yes, the princess style hat and duck pull toy are Love-a-Bye Baby rather than MLP.

The little white bottle belongs to the newborn twins - it's an uncommon variation.

The baby necklace is not MLP.

The cape and pink and blue party hat look familiar, but I can't place them. I'll try to see if I can figure out where I've seen them before.

EDIT: Found the cape! It belongs to FSF Feelin' Fancy Chloe:
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