Is this normal for the Crumpet pose?


Proud Owner of Cat Pee Pony
Dec 24, 2010
The ponies I have in Crumpet pose lean so much they look like they are going to fall right over. They don't stand well. Is this normal? Please let me know. I am not all knowledgeable when it comes to G1 issues but I notice this.:leekguitar:
alot of ponies tip over or lean alot, you can try and get her legs in the right position again :) i have alot of brides who can barely stand on themselves and gusty pose ponies sometimes have this issue
I agree with CC, :) some ponies have a hard time standing even sweet heart sisters or the collector`s pose ponies I (I replaced their heavy tail washers and used marbles to keep them standing upright but it is a good idea.)
I can't get marbles into this pony because its got a tail that moves and its head is glued down...also how does one get the legs back in a better standing position?
dunking them in boiling water (as long as it's not a so soft) can help you reform their pose into something more stable. I've done it with a few of the awkward poses.
Yes I had a Windy that couldn't stand and I have a G3 fluttershy that leans.
dunking them in boiling water (as long as it's not a so soft) can help you reform their pose into something more stable. I've done it with a few of the awkward poses.

Okay this is a good idea I will try this. Thanks so much. I appreciate all the thoughts on this. I am so stressed out today ponies are the only thing keeping my mind busy.
I always just stick a marker between their legs and leave them on display like that. marker is barely noticeable and that way it sits over time while it's cool instead of just a quick dunk in hot water.
I always just stick a marker between their legs and leave them on display like that. marker is barely noticeable and that way it sits over time while it's cool instead of just a quick dunk in hot water.

agreed. it works perfectly fine. also you can sink her into warm water in the sink, as hot as it gets and let her legs warm up, then put a marker, or paper or something that will not stain her plastic between the legs and she should be back to normal in no time :)
You pony friends are such genius minds! Thank you I will try that today.
Kettle water works wonders too for smooshed ponies that no longer stand. pour into a bowl and hold the legs and a little of the body in until you see her reshape. don't let the tail, or tail hole touch the water though, (hold it up and out of the way.) don't use on sosofts, and be wary with magic message ponies. any misshap and you can ruin their symbols. :)