Isn't this a Neat handmade pony item?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005

It's a purse made out of the wrappers of the MLP gummy candies! I bought it on eBay, and it came in the mail yesterday! It looks even better than the photo!!

How nifty is that??

Tif =:cool:
That is really cute. How sturdy is it? Or is it strictly for looks?
Oh, how cool is that. I wonder how many gummies that person had to eat in order to make that..
It's actually surprisingly sturdy. I mean, I wouldn't put bricks in it, but it would work very well as a purse.

When my current purse wears out, I certainly might use this one!

Tif =:cool:

Wow awsome! =) Imagen the patience you must have to do something like that. And what a neat idea to keep the gummiwrappers without looking too obsessed :p Keeping trash just because there's a pony on it ya know ;)
There are loads of different types of those, with different cartons, but that is definitly one of the coolest hehe