Jem Llama, is He an MLP?

Technically Rama Llama is part of the pony line, but not as popular with collectors. He was an odd mail order item at the very end of the Jem toy line. When Jem was cancelled the remaining stock was sold via the Canadian MLP mail order. He typically goes for around $100 in good condition (possibly more with brush & blanket). If you're looking to sell one, he is slightly more popular with Jem collectors than pony collectors. I had one once & did not feel that it was " poorly made". Like any older toy, storage conditions can cause flaws such as loosened glue on his fur.
I don't think it was poorly made either. The mail order from MLP came with a brush but no blanket. so is there a site for Jem collectors?
There's a Facebook group I think. t's for 80s toys. Check here.

Or post it here or on The Arena. I think it will sell pretty quick, really.
Technically Rama Llama is part of the pony line, but not as popular with collectors. He was an odd mail order item at the very end of the Jem toy line. When Jem was cancelled the remaining stock was sold via the Canadian MLP mail order. He typically goes for around $100 in good condition (possibly more with brush & blanket). If you're looking to sell one, he is slightly more popular with Jem collectors than pony collectors. I had one once & did not feel that it was " poorly made". Like any older toy, storage conditions can cause flaws such as loosened glue on his fur.

But since her was produced for Jem and not MLP, wouldn't that make him not a part of the pony line?

Rama Llama was 100% designed for Jem; any rumors that she was acquired when Hasbro bought another toy company are not true. She was never going to be a crossover between Jem and My Little Pony. She was only offered as a My Little Pony mail-in because she was already produced and ready to be sent out for the Jem mail-in offers -- just away to move product.

Thanks to the My Little Pony mail-in we have Rama Llama today – it’s hard to say how many, if any were sold though the Jem mail-in. And the Glitter’n Gold World Tour in package offer was never actually placed in a box. - Totally Jem

The way I see it, he was offered to MLP fans because Hasbro thought that the MLP audience would like him since he kinds looks like a MLP. But he's not MLP, they were just trying to get rid of him.

No doubt that he isn't cute though and some what popular for MLP collectors, although I agree Jem collectors might be looking for him more.