MLPTP EVENT Lavender Letter's MLPTP is Awesome Game!


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006

As our official 2oth anniversary host, Lavender Letters has decided to start her rein of celebration with a game! A game to help us remember why the MLPTP is so great and why our little community has managed to keep it going 20 years!!!

Here's how we play...

~ Once a day you are allowed to post a comment on this thread about what you love about the MLPTP.
~ Only 1 entry per member, per day.
~ Entries will be accepted until midnight EST on Friday 12/2.
~ Then a post will be selected by and the member who made that comment will get their choice of prize from the MLPTP prize bin.
~ Since no money/goods are involved this is open to all members, regardless of length of membership or age! However, members under 16 must provide parental approval if they are the prize winner.
I won't enter this one because I won the last one - but I wanted to say I second Tulagirl! It's fun getting to know all of the personalities of the folks who post here, you start to pick out individual 'voices' after a little while, it feels like a group of friends rather than a group of strangers on the internet! A very friendly group! :)
Another thing I love about the trading post is the Moderators here in the TP are very nice, extremely helpful, proficient problem solvers, patient and great at what they do. They are fun also which makes the TP a great place. They deserve a big party if you ask me. I have been a moderator and it is a lot of work and takes a real "people sense," and a positive outlook on things that go on with members and the forum.
I love how easy the TP is. Its easy to navigate, easy to do various functions, i.e. post pictures, post threads, pm with friends, etc.
People on here treat me like I am a person not a annoying thing that just walks around and talks like a lot of people in Real life do.
I really like the fun activities we have here. I also have enjoyed being able to start my own activities and have fun with them. The TP is a fun place. Cat Pee Pony loves TP! Wink:p
I love the fact that the staff likes to have fun with us and they don't get mad at conversations drifting. Human conversation just flows in crazy patterns naturally.
I like the resources the TP offers. If you need to ask about anything even non pony question someone generally can help find the answer rather quickly.
Today I would just like to say that I really appreciate everyone having so much fun with my Cat Pee Pony horror and somehow with the support of the TP a very upsetting situation turned into a funny thing that made it not so bad after all. I love this place.
I like how there is a melting pot of people from different places. Pony bring us together and on here no one is arguing about politics, religion, race, culture, and other thing that you see such drama in other places.
And if any of this is brought up is always respectful and more informative and no one judges others by the above mention.
Alright ponies, drawing will be later today. Feel free to keep sharing the love though :D