Let's see your armies

Um.... yeah. :) That's how I can afford so many of em. Heh.

I am very envious of your DG baby collection even though they are fakies--so many, so colorful, and oh so cute--I started back into collecting after they were in DG stores.
Pinkie, I love those pictures you took. They were great!

I actually sort of have an army in the works. I am positively in love with the teeny tiny ponies. Which is funny because I usually favor the adults to the babies. But I am enamored with their cute little cat faces.

I want buckets and buckets of them! LOL Anyone who doesn't want theirs, feel free to send them my way.

Those teeny tiny ponies are so adorable <33 I think it's their cat faces, like you said.

The Peachy gang. They own and operate all the Pretty Parlors and variations thereof in my Ponyland. Right to left is: Peachy (front hoof trademarks), 4-H Peachy (trademark/made in stamps on all 4 hooves), Italian Peachy and UK Peachy (wearing a hat because she's got a major haircut. I would have also put in Blue Symbol but my playset she was in is MIA. No idea where it got to.


The Gusty herd. I got So Soft Gusty when I was 5 along with Medley one Christams. Alas my original is long gone and it wasn't until this past year when I found a replacement at a reasonable price in reasonable condition. From right to left: Regular Gusty, SS Gusty, UK non-glitter Gusty and Italian Gusty.

At one point I had an entire case of those fakie babies. Most became customs and were given away as prizes.
An old piccie of my Locket army - I have even more now!

I have a baby fakie army too but no pix sadly they are packed up I think I have at least one of every colour they are so cute :)

Also have an Italian CP pony army that I'm working on adding to ATM
An old piccie of my Locket army - I have even more now!

I have a baby fakie army too but no pix sadly they are packed up I think I have at least one of every colour they are so cute :)

Also have an Italian CP pony army that I'm working on adding to ATM

Whooooooa, lookit all that pink glory!! Locket, I have to say, is one of my faves, and I'm not a fan of the color pink. But she's just such an elegant pony! :)
Um.... yeah. :) That's how I can afford so many of em. Heh.
Ha! But they do seem to have the G1 newborn twin mold! I've had fakies that sort of "steal" old hasbro molds. Thats really cool, where did you get them? I'd love to get some as cheap custom bait!
Ha! But they do seem to have the G1 newborn twin mold! I've had fakies that sort of "steal" old hasbro molds. Thats really cool, where did you get them? I'd love to get some as cheap custom bait!

At meets and from random sellers on the forum :) I think a lot of people use them for customizing.
An old piccie of my Locket army - I have even more now!

I have a baby fakie army too but no pix sadly they are packed up I think I have at least one of every colour they are so cute :)

Also have an Italian CP pony army that I'm working on adding to ATM

I didn't realize Locket had a puffy sticker!! I knew the first set of Twinkle Eyes were issued with puffy stickers in the UK, but does this mean the second set also has puffy stickers? What language is her sticker?

Sorry for the thread hi-jack, lol!
Hey,the one with a Tex army,gimme one))))))))))))
I think I am starting to have Pinkie Pie and Cotton Candy army-Pinkie cause she is everywhere,and CC is one of my faves.
Does this count as an army?



Need to get the McDonalds toys, though.

I'm also trying my best to build a Luna army. I need to figure out how to get Nightmare Moon in the fall.

This isn't a army, but moreso a.... blooming pink political party? :bonk:

For someone who got her first MLP at the end of last year I say that what I've learned is I have a collector's tick haha.....

Somehow with my purchase choices I gravitated towards the pinkest ones LOL (But no, I made a fan-pony before I knew about Cotton Candy [pictured in my forum icon/avatar] and ever since my discovery I've been collecting; so in love with the colour combination =P)

Nearly lal my ponies are either Cotton Candy or Pinkie Pie - funny you mention those two Mefista! :p

(Poor lonely G3 Bowtie D: )
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Oooohhh doubles of awesomeness

Ooooooo Tex...

I really think all those ponies are awesome. Lucky...

I do not have any army of a pony.

But a army of all boys and baby brothers do that count ?

ABC Winter