MLP Friendship is Magic App game, anyone play? Need friends!

I am also in dire need of pony game friends! :smilepony:

My name GL ID is galaxypony. Hope to see everypony's towns soon!
My username is... Uh well, FluffleNuff. Haha. Sent y'all a couple of friend requests, add me!

Okay, I will

Thank you!

Kat husband gave me a tablet for an early mother's day present, and so now I can play it too! I will add everyone later tonight. I would tell you my screen name, but I don't know it. I just sort of started playing. lol. I don't think it asked me to make a screen name. Hmm. Odd.
Dangit, you guys you got me addicted to this game!!!!!!:tongue:
My screen name is Hollylibra81
I love this game. Sent friend requests, anyone can add me. I'm aquariann80.
My game name is crazyMLPgirl. Please add me. :)
We have been playing this on the iPad and definitely need friends but I am not great at figuring out how to add folks. How does that work? Is it through Facebook? How does that work? I will add you as soon as I can figure out how.

Also, do you usually buy gems and whatnot or just try to earn them and wait it out?
I try to earn them. I refuse to pay so much on gems. You can also get 2 free gems every day by watching an ad ( you'll see the button on the gems screen)

To add friends you do it From the "Gamrloft" menu item.

I need hearts! Can't do anything anymore until I get a ton. My username is pepperminttruly.
Ok my name there on game loft is taxandriaa with the 2 A's at the end. I will add you all.

EDIT: I added almost everyone I think so be on the lookout for me!

Also the game is kind of frustrating because you need elements or gems or coins or whatever to do ANYTHING. Just on area I wanted to clear away would have cost me like 10,000 coins and it was just a small patch but they have every little thing with a price tag on it. I think that's kind of heavy handed, honestly. I can see having to earn money or whatever but this kind of game should be fun, not solely about grinding away for hours to get a few coins or gems. I can't greet Pinkie Pie because I don't have enough money/gems whatever I need, and I have a building I can't put down because I can't afford to expand. That makes the game really frustrating rather than actually fun.

I did find though that if I touch every tree repeatedly they will spit out coins. the banners and hay bales, too. Didn't know that before! (because why would I just randomly go around touching the trees, right? I think I did last night for some reason but it was purely by chance.)
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Try covering all open spaces with stuff. I used the dirt paths to cover up as much open space as I can. That keeps that rocks, parasprites and things from growing and coming back.

THEY GROW BACK??????? Are the game people trying to make me insane????:shockpony:

crazyMLPgirl -- I can not add you, it says no results found.
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The game got old for me really quickly. It's the definition of insanity, plus it's EXPENSIVE. Gameloft and Hasbro are out of their minds if my pony money is going toward and unstable game!
I just started playing. Would people please add me?

It's Ararothea.
I've been playing for a while and need some friends so I can get scootaloo and others that cost hearts. My name is Chocoloco1026, I'll try my best to play every day and send you hearts.
I need hearts

I need to acquire Scootaloo. So I need hearts. Please add me babybluegirl4724 I am kind of stuck until then. Please help :)