MLPTP "Back to School" Discussion

We would love to see your photos here, Paradise Island! :)

Please post them here anyway, Paradise! I wanna see!

Yea would love to see them!!! :)
All right I totally forgot I posted here you guys, so sorry about that! I got the theme wrong as well as missing the deadline(I thought that the pony/unicorn supplies thing was the Extra credit photo oops :eek: ) Here are my pictures, as well as a few extras...

The girls going shopping... :)

I went with my mom that day and we also went grocery shopping, so I decided that this would be a great moment to get a shopping cart picture! ^^ Yum yum yum!
And, last but not least...

Rhapsody Ribbons with the waffle cone ice cream! (which, by the way, is delicious. c: )
Hope you liked! :D Thanks for looking! ^^
Hnnng. The BB code for the images I put up includes the text "mlp hunt #3 (13)" and "mlp hunt #3 (18)" by the images (those are the file names), which showed up in the post. Just fyi, that came over with the code. I guess I didn't delete enough of the extraneous code?? But I can't modify the post, so... Hnnng.
@DialgaBritesMom We can modify for you :)

It seems to be that when you put up a pic that was from our gallery here, that it auto includes the description and link back to the gallery. You could preview your post first and then it may give you the option to delete out that description.
Thanks, @Slinky. I did preview it first and edited out some of the extra stuff flickr puts on there, but missed that part. Thenk yew velly much in advance for getting it out after the fact :)
Can't wait to see it Candice! I have to make myself wait to look until I've entered my photos. I don't wanna be a copycat.

I made my desks out of a yardstick and dowels. My son slammed the door at one point and all my little desks flopped over and I went RAWR! :madpony:

Thanks for posting your piccies here, paradise Island! They were super cute. :ponylove:
I wasn't aware points were being posted. XD
Finally got my pics up to see everyone's pictures. WOW! I love this batch, they're all so creative. People get many kudos, you put so much work into your classrooms!

LOVE THEM ALL!! :ponylove:
Ok, is this something new? I clicked "like" on the cavepony post (because it made me giggle twice), and was asked via pop-up (my head inserted an ominous voice for it) "are you SURE you want to like this post?"
Ok, is this something new? I clicked "like" on the cavepony post (because it made me giggle twice), and was asked via pop-up (my head inserted an ominous voice for it) "are you SURE you want to like this post?"

This happens when you click the "Like" before the page has finished loading. Some of the other images above were probably still loading. I guess it thinks that maybe you couldnt like it if you havent seen the whole page LOL
Aw, thanks Moondream! I just loved the smug little look on Baby Cotton Candy's face if you got it at just the right angle. She's up to something.

Gonna have to keep my eyes on her.

She's one of my few original Ponies I have left, so I have a real soft spot for my BabyCC!
It's 11pm here, it's cold and I'm tired, but I've almost got everything set up for the photo. It's hard to get these things done early when you need to ask other people for things and they're at work all week... and then have to work for half the weekend too... Thankfully it's done, and I'll have the pictures up in an hour or two. Then I can finally sleep...
It's 11pm here, it's cold and I'm tired, but I've almost got everything set up for the photo. It's hard to get these things done early when you need to ask other people for things and they're at work all week... and then have to work for half the weekend too... Thankfully it's done, and I'll have the pictures up in an hour or two. Then I can finally sleep...

LOL what we do for the Love of Pony.
Can't wait to see what you came up with, ladyofthenight! I know it's going to be adorable.
Well, I had my stuff all set up and ready to go. I went to get the camera, but then I realized that the camera was with my dad at his office. Go figure. :rolleyespony:I will have to wait until he gets home to take and then post my pictures. I can't wait to show them to you guys! :lolpony:
Alright, photos are up. It was a lot of fun. :p Pity that the album miniaturized everything and left the text completely illegible... :( I took a couple of different angles with and without flash, posted the one you could see overall the most detail in. I can post close-ups here if anyone is interested, as well as the pictures on the walls.

P.S. I've attached the lost punchline. Shhhhhh...

Oh god I'm dying! Lovely job! :lolpony: