$ Price Check $ MOC NSS Cupcake


Shoo be doo, shoo shoo bee doo!
Aug 26, 2012
Hey ponies!
I have recently acquired a MOC NSS Cupcake, and was hoping i could get a price check to see if i paid within the right price range.
The box is a bit faded on the front, and a little bit of the picture has been ripped off by sticky tape or something on the top right hand corner for about 4-5cm in length (which is maybe 2-2 and a half inches?) and about 1cm in width, like sticky tape. The bubble is clear but a bit dented on top, and Cupcake is PERFECT. <3
Not sure if all this affects price, but i thought id mention it.
Unfortunately cant take a photo right now because my phone died, but im just so excited i couldnt wait. She is so beautiful!! :cheshire:

Another thing, i saw another thread saying she is a Scandinavian pony, but on the back of her box she has Hasbro Industries (UK) Ltd. and also says it conforms to UK toy safety regulations. So im curious about that too, if anyone has any information about it i would be very appreciative! :D
Wow thats such an amazing find! Lucky XD
Im not quite sure but considering her value as just a pony alone, $450-500 would be likely MOC I think.
Wow, really?! How much is her pony value alone?!
My jaw is on the floor right now...
Here are some pics! :D

Front of her packaging. <3

Back of her packaging. They called Shady "Shady's" for some reason, this is strange.

Close up of the UK info on the back of the packet. Also the packet is all in English, which makes her being a Scandinavian pony even stranger...

Would love to hear people's opinions! :D
Wow! What is all this with people finding treasures lately?

I would agree with Irkencat, but you never know, as I don't think I've ever seen a mOC one before.
What a beauty! I would say she's one of the ponies that raises in value, theres not many scandinavian ponies on the market.
According to to previous price checks I've found on the pony alone shes usually sold for
around a $100-$125, but a MOC oh my.. so rare <3
Wow, thats so cool! I love her so much! :D
For anyone who was wondering, i paid $70 for her, so as well as getting a super awesome pony, i got a super awesome bargain. I feel super duper lucky! She is now the absolute pride of my collection!

What do people think about the UK stuff on the packaging and the English writing?
Im not sure what the main language is in Scandinavia, but i dont think its English. Correct me if im wrong.
Loose she sells between $75-125 depending on condition & who's looking at the time (as well as whether or not she's clearly proven as a NSS & not a deflock - a true NSS has dark brown eyeliner instead of black). I think MOC she would go for $200-300, although I've not seen one for sale.

The assortment of ponies sold in Scandinavia also seem to have all been sold in Australia (alt Birthflowers, this set of NSS ponies, the unicorn & Pegasus set with yellow Moondancer & Gusty with green eyes & glittery symbols). Other MOC ponies from Scandinavia (along with people's childhood collection back cards) have Hasbro UK as the distributor, even though the sets were not sold in the UK. It seems that they were sold as imported goods.
Ahh, that makes sense! So she would be an Australian pony then. ;D
Very cool to know! Thanks for sharing that info, KitKat! :D
:eeek: I have never seen her MOC before. She's very nice!
Congrats on your sweet find!
I never even knew she was NSS 0_o. Man too many ponies now LOL Back in the late 90s it was like ooh UK ponies and now every part of the world has different ones.
Hahah, yeah. I doubt the quest for ponies will ever truly be over. :)
I got this link from a friend since I also have a MOC NSS Cupcake.

And she is sold on the same card in Sweden as the one you have.
I can confirm this since I do know mine is bought in Sweden.

So congrats on a super rare find!