official launch!


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
This site has been far too long in the making!

Due to health troubles this past year and some general technical difficulties and ridiculousness, I have only just now finished my new website.

I had originally planned to go with a designer, but the cost was an issue as well as my own preparedness at the time.

It isn't quite complete yet, but it contains the things that many of you have been patiently waiting for ;)

Let me know what you think!
Nice! I just spent a half an hour check it out, so you know it's good! :)
it looks so nice jewel :D
oohh I'll go and look!
Looks great! I am rather flattered you used one of my gift art things. I love the layout. I do miss the gift art section from all the artists who have done you plan on adding that again. It was such an amazing group!
Wow, I enjoyed taking a half hour to look at pictures of the past meets and your incredible collection. I love your website. I love how it just reflects you. It is great!
Absolutely wonderful, Jewel. :) Very much looking forward to seeing the rest when you've got it up.
Awesome job!

I love your collection! How on earth did you get that super cool giant SHS? She's stunning.

Since Jewel is probably still sleeping in...and I know the answer...
The giant SHS was found on ebay, being sold by someone who bought the contents of a warehouse used for storage of commercial props. It was used with two others in a commercial in the eights. (little girls riding giant merry-go-round) They sold three...
purple, yellow, and pink. They all sold very very reasonabbly really. About 400-500 each but shipping was crazy. Around 200 dollars. Jewel got the purple. One other went to a person here on the boards (the pink I think) but arrived pretty damaged. The other sold to someone unidentified. I really really really wanted the yellow but was sniped. :-(